Sergio Lozano-Perez
Sergio Lozano-Perez
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Filled and glycosylated carbon nanotubes for in vivo radioemitter localization and imaging
SY Hong, G Tobias, KT Al-Jamal, B Ballesteros, H Ali-Boucetta, ...
Nature materials 9 (6), 485-490, 2010
Nanometre-scale evidence for interfacial dissolution–reprecipitation control of silicate glass corrosion
R Hellmann, S Cotte, E Cadel, S Malladi, LS Karlsson, S Lozano-Perez, ...
Nature materials 14 (3), 307-311, 2015
Multi-scale characterization of stress corrosion cracking of cold-worked stainless steels and the influence of Cr content
S Lozano-Perez, T Yamada, T Terachi, M Schröder, CA English, ...
Acta Materialia 57 (18), 5361-5381, 2009
How the crystallography and nanoscale chemistry of the metal/oxide interface develops during the aqueous oxidation of zirconium cladding alloys
N Ni, D Hudson, J Wei, P Wang, S Lozano-Perez, GDW Smith, JM Sykes, ...
Acta Materialia 60 (20), 7132-7149, 2012
The role of cold work and applied stress on surface oxidation of 304 stainless steel
S Lozano-Perez, K Kruska, I Iyengar, T Terachi, T Yamada
Corrosion Science 56, 78-85, 2012
Atom probe tomography today
A Cerezo, PH Clifton, MJ Galtrey, CJ Humphreys, TF Kelly, DJ Larson, ...
Materials Today 10 (12), 36-42, 2007
A guide on FIB preparation of samples containing stress corrosion crack tips for TEM and atom-probe analysis
S Lozano-Perez
Micron 39 (3), 320-328, 2008
Nanoscale characterisation of grain boundary oxidation in cold-worked stainless steels
K Kruska, S Lozano-Perez, DW Saxey, T Terachi, T Yamada, GDW Smith
Corrosion science 63, 225-233, 2012
Porosity in oxides on zirconium fuel cladding alloys, and its importance in controlling oxidation rates
N Ni, S Lozano-Perez, ML Jenkins, C English, GDW Smith, JM Sykes, ...
Scripta Materialia 62 (8), 564-567, 2010
Dislocation loop evolution during in-situ ion irradiation of model FeCrAl alloys
JC Haley, SA Briggs, PD Edmondson, K Sridharan, SG Roberts, ...
Acta Materialia 136, 390-401, 2017
How oxidized grain boundaries fail
H Dugdale, DEJ Armstrong, E Tarleton, SG Roberts, S Lozano-Perez
acta materialia 61 (13), 4707-4713, 2013
Effect of Ti and Cr on dispersion, structure and composition of oxide nano-particles in model ODS alloys
AJ London, S Santra, S Amirthapandian, BK Panigrahi, RM Sarguna, ...
Acta Materialia 97, 223-233, 2015
Stability of nanoscale secondary phases in an oxide dispersion strengthened Fe–12Cr alloy
V De Castro, EA Marquis, S Lozano-Perez, R Pareja, ML Jenkins
Acta Materialia 59 (10), 3927-3936, 2011
Towards an integrated materials characterization toolbox
IM Robertson, CA Schuh, JS Vetrano, ND Browning, DP Field, DJ Jensen, ...
Journal of Materials Research 26 (11), 1341-1383, 2011
Focussed ion beam sectioning for the 3D characterisation of cracking in oxide scales formed on commercial ZIRLO™ alloys during corrosion in high temperature pressurised water
N Ni, S Lozano-Perez, JM Sykes, GDW Smith, CRM Grovenor
Corrosion science 53 (12), 4073-4083, 2011
Atom-probe tomography characterization of the oxidation of stainless steel
S Lozano-Perez, DW Saxey, T Yamada, T Terachi
Scripta Materialia 62 (11), 855-858, 2010
Nuclear reactor materials at the atomic scale
EA Marquis, JM Hyde, DW Saxey, S Lozano-Perez, V de Castro, ...
Materials Today 12 (11), 30-37, 2009
Crystal structure of the ZrO phase at zirconium/zirconium oxide interfaces
RJ Nicholls, N Ni, S LozanoPerez, A London, DW McComb, PD Nellist, ...
Advanced engineering materials 17 (2), 211-215, 2015
Identifying suboxide grains at the metal–oxide interface of a corroded Zr–1.0% Nb alloy using (S) TEM, transmission-EBSD and EELS
J Hu, A Garner, N Ni, A Gholinia, RJ Nicholls, S Lozano-Perez, P Frankel, ...
Micron 69, 35-42, 2015
Studies regarding corrosion mechanisms in zirconium alloys
M Preuss, P Frankel, S Lozano-Perez, D Hudson, E Polatidis, N Ni, J Wei, ...
Journal of ASTM International 8 (9), 1-23, 2011
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