Ka-Wai Kwok
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Cited by
Vision-based online learning kinematic control for soft robots using local gaussian process regression
G Fang, X Wang, K Wang, KH Lee, JDL Ho, HC Fu, DKC Fu, KW Kwok
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (2), 1194-1201, 2019
Nonparametric online learning control for soft continuum robot: An enabling technique for effective endoscopic navigation
KH Lee, DKC Fu, MCW Leong, M Chow, HC Fu, K Althoefer, KY Sze, ...
Soft robotics 4 (4), 324-337, 2017
Intermediate range wireless power transfer with segmented coil transmitters for implantable heart pumps
SC Tang, TLT Lun, Z Guo, KW Kwok, NJ McDannold
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (5), 3844-3857, 2016
Collaborative eye tracking: a potential training tool in laparoscopic surgery
ASA Chetwood, KW Kwok, LW Sun, GP Mylonas, J Clark, A Darzi, ...
Surgical endoscopy 26, 2003-2009, 2012
Stability and Synthesis of a Class of Periodic Piecewise Time-Varying Systems
P Li, J Lam, R Lu, KW Kwok
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (8), 3378-3384, 2018
Dimensionality reduction in controlling articulated snake robot for endoscopy under dynamic active constraints
KW Kwok, KH Tsoi, V Vitiello, J Clark, GCT Chow, W Luk, GZ Yang
IEEE Transactions on robotics 29 (1), 15-31, 2012
Soft robotic manipulator for intraoperative MRI-guided transoral laser microsurgery
G Fang, MCK Chow, JDL Ho, Z He, K Wang, TC Ng, JKH Tsoi, PL Chan, ...
Science Robotics 6 (57), eabg5575, 2021
Bidirectional soft silicone curvature sensor based on off-centered embedded fiber Bragg grating
J Ge, AE James, L Xu, Y Chen, KW Kwok, MP Fok
IEEE photonics technology letters 28 (20), 2237-2240, 2016
Design of a multitasking robotic platform with flexible arms and articulated head for minimally invasive surgery
J Shang, CJ Payne, J Clark, DP Noonan, KW Kwok, A Darzi, GZ Yang
2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2012
Stability and stabilization of periodic piecewise linear systems: A matrix polynomial approach
P Li, J Lam, KW Kwok, R Lu
Automatica 94, 1-8, 2018
A survey for machine learning-based control of continuum robots
X Wang, Y Li, KW Kwok
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 730330, 2021
From medical images to minimally invasive intervention: Computer assistance for robotic surgery
SL Lee, M Lerotic, V Vitiello, S Giannarou, KW Kwok, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 34 (1), 33-45, 2010
MR safe robotic manipulator for MRI-guided intracardiac catheterization
KH Lee, KCD Fu, Z Guo, Z Dong, MCW Leong, CL Cheung, APW Lee, ...
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 23 (2), 586-595, 2018
Eye-in-hand visual servoing enhanced with sparse strain measurement for soft continuum robots
X Wang, G Fang, K Wang, X Xie, KH Lee, JDL Ho, WL Tang, J Lam, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (2), 2161-2168, 2020
Real-time surface shape sensing for soft and flexible structures using fiber Bragg gratings
TLT Lun, K Wang, JDL Ho, KH Lee, KY Sze, KW Kwok
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (2), 1454-1461, 2019
Objective assessment of endovascular navigation skills with force sensing
H Rafii-Tari, CJ Payne, C Bicknell, KW Kwok, NJW Cheshire, C Riga, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering 45, 1315-1327, 2017
Mitral annular and left ventricular dynamics in atrial functional mitral regurgitation: a three-dimensional and speckle-tracking echocardiographic study
Z Tang, YT Fan, Y Wang, CN Jin, KW Kwok, APW Lee
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 32 (4), 503-513, 2019
Compact design of a hydraulic driving robot for intraoperative MRI-guided bilateral stereotactic neurosurgery
Z Guo, Z Dong, KH Lee, CL Cheung, HC Fu, JDL Ho, H He, WS Poon, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (3), 2515-2522, 2018
State of the art and future opportunities in MRI-guided robot-assisted surgery and interventions
H Su, KW Kwok, K Cleary, I Iordachita, MC Cavusoglu, JP Desai, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 110 (7), 968-992, 2022
An MR-conditional high-torque pneumatic stepper motor for MRI-guided and robot-assisted intervention
Y Chen, KW Kwok, ZTH Tse
Annals of biomedical engineering 42, 1823-1833, 2014
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Articles 1–20