David M. Chen
David M. Chen
Research and Development
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Robust text detection in natural images with edge-enhanced maximally stable extremal regions
H Chen, SS Tsai, G Schroth, DM Chen, R Grzeszczuk, B Girod
2011 18th IEEE international conference on image processing, 2609-2612, 2011
City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
DM Chen, G Baatz, K Köser, SS Tsai, R Vedantham, T Pylvänäinen, ...
CVPR 2011, 737-744, 2011
Compressed histogram of gradients: A low-bitrate descriptor
V Chandrasekhar, G Takacs, DM Chen, SS Tsai, Y Reznik, R Grzeszczuk, ...
International journal of computer vision 96, 384-399, 2012
Mobile visual search
B Girod, V Chandrasekhar, DM Chen, NM Cheung, R Grzeszczuk, ...
IEEE signal processing magazine 28 (4), 61-76, 2011
Unified real-time tracking and recognition with rotation-invariant fast features
G Takacs, V Chandrasekhar, S Tsai, D Chen, R Grzeszczuk, B Girod
2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2010
The stanford mobile visual search data set
VR Chandrasekhar, DM Chen, SS Tsai, NM Cheung, H Chen, G Takacs, ...
Proceedings of the second annual ACM conference on Multimedia systems, 117-122, 2011
Mobile Visual Location Recognition
G Schroth, R Huitl, D Chen, M Abu-Alqumsan, A Al-Nuaimi, E Steinbach
Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE 28 (4), 77-89, 2011
Transform coding of image feature descriptors
V Chandrasekhar, G Takacs, D Chen, SS Tsai, J Singh, B Girod
Visual Communications and Image Processing 2009 7257, 324-332, 2009
Tree histogram coding for mobile image matching
DM Chen, SS Tsai, V Chandrasekhar, G Takacs, J Singh, B Girod
2009 Data Compression Conference, 143-152, 2009
Wyner–Ziv coding of video with unsupervised motion vector learning
D Varodayan, D Chen, M Flierl, B Girod
Signal Processing: Image Communication 23 (5), 369-378, 2008
Handling urban location recognition as a 2d homothetic problem
G Baatz, K Köser, D Chen, R Grzeszczuk, M Pollefeys
Computer Vision–ECCV 2010: 11th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2010
Mobile product recognition
SS Tsai, D Chen, V Chandrasekhar, G Takacs, NM Cheung, ...
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1587-1590, 2010
Leveraging 3D city models for rotation invariant place-of-interest recognition
G Baatz, K Köser, D Chen, R Grzeszczuk, M Pollefeys
International Journal of Computer Vision 96, 315-334, 2012
Systems and Methods for Generating Video Summary Sequences From One or More Video Segments
DM Chen, H Chen, M Daneshi, AF De Araujo, B Girod, S Tsai, P Vajda, ...
US Patent App. 14/798,457, 2016
Fast geometric re-ranking for image-based retrieval
SS Tsai, D Chen, G Takacs, V Chandrasekhar, R Vedantham, ...
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1029-1032, 2010
Streaming mobile augmented reality on mobile phones
DM Chen, SS Tsai, R Vedantham, R Grzeszczuk, B Girod
2009 8th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 181-182, 2009
Residual enhanced visual vector as a compact signature for mobile visual search
D Chen, S Tsai, V Chandrasekhar, G Takacs, R Vedantham, ...
Signal Processing 93 (8), 2316-2327, 2013
Location coding for mobile image retrieval
SS Tsai, D Chen, G Takacs, V Chandrasekhar, JP Singh, B Girod
Proceedings of the 5th International ICST Mobile Multimedia Communications …, 2009
Survey of SIFT compression schemes
V Chandrasekhar, M Makar, G Takacs, D Chen, SS Tsai, NM Cheung, ...
Proc. Int. Workshop Mobile Multimedia Processing, 35-40, 2010
Residual Enhanced Visual Vectors for On-Device Image Matching
D Chen, S Tsai, V Chandrasekhar, G Takacs, H Chen, R Vedantham, ...
IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 850 - 854, 2011
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Articles 1–20