Thushan Ekneligoda (Senior Lecturer)
Thushan Ekneligoda (Senior Lecturer)
在 wits.ac.za 的电子邮件经过验证
Determination of optimum parameters of doublet system in a horizontally fractured geothermal reservoir
TC Ekneligoda, KB Min
Renewable Energy 65, 152-160, 2014
Compressibility of two-dimensional pores having n-fold axes of symmetry
TC Ekneligoda, RW Zimmerman
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2006
Interactive spatial analysis of lineaments
TC Ekneligoda, H Henkel
Computers & geosciences 36 (8), 1081-1090, 2010
A coupled thermal-mechanical numerical model of underground coal gasification (UCG) including spontaneous coal combustion and its effects
TC Ekneligoda, AM Marshall
International Journal of Coal Geology 199, 31-38, 2018
Effect of high temperatures on sandstone–a computed tomography scan study
Y Lintao, AM Marshall, D Wanatowski, R Stace, T Ekneligoda
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 17 (2), 75-90, 2017
Shear compliance of two-dimensional pores possessing N-fold axis of rotational symmetry
TC Ekneligoda, RW Zimmerman
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2008
Boundary perturbation solution for nearly circular holes and rigid inclusions in an infinite elastic medium
TC Ekneligoda, RW Zimmerman
The spacing calculator software—A Visual Basic program to calculate spatial properties of lineaments
TC Ekneligoda, H Henkel
Computers & geosciences 32 (4), 542-553, 2006
Performance of concrete mixes with OPC–PFA blends
WPS Dias, SMA Nanayakkara, TC Ekneligoda
Magazine of Concrete research 55 (2), 161-170, 2003
The extent of impact induced fracturing from gravity modeling of the Granby and Tvären simple craters
H Henkel, TC Ekneligoda, S Aaro
Tectonophysics 485 (1-4), 290-305, 2010
Estimating elastic moduli of sandstones using two-dimensional pore space images
TC Ekneligoda
Journal of the South african institution of civil engineering 61 (3), 58-66, 2019
Numerical modelling of ground subsidence at an underground coal gasification site
TC Ekneligoda, LT Yang, D Wanatowski, AM Marshall, LR Stace
Geotech. Eng. J. SEAGS AGSSEA 48, 151-154, 2017
A design nomogram for a horizontally-fractured geothermal reservoir to determine the production temperature
TC Ekneligoda
Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka 48 (2), 2015
Use of Waste Coconut Shells as Substitute for Coarse Aggregate in Light-Weight Concrete Mixes
MBM De Costa, DDT Dasanayaka, MN Tantirimudalige, K Udamulla, ...
The effectiveness of local plants as natural coagulants in treating turbid water in Sri Lanka
M Ravindara, SR Kumarrapperuma, TC Ekneligoda, DI Fernando
proceeding the Open University of Sri Lanka, of annual academic secession, 1-5, 2014
The 20 km diameter Dellen impact structure, central Sweden
H Henkel, S Hietala, J Plado, TC Ekneligoda
Report Research Gate ISBN, 978-91, 2022
Estimation of the Elastic Moduli of Porous Materials using Analytical Methods, Numerical Methods, and Image Analysis
TC Ekneligoda
KTH, 2007
Geotechnical research at Wits University
LA Torres-Cruz, T Ekneligoda, I Luker, M Nchabeleng
Civil Engineering= Siviele Ingenieurswese 27 (3), 74-75, 2019
A Numerical Model to Capture the Geotechnical Response to Coal Combustion at an Underground Coal Gasification Site
TC Ekneligoda, LT Yang, D Wanatowski, AM Marshall, LR Stace
Second EAGE Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy, cp-466-00007, 2015
Th gme 10: A numerical model to capture the geotechnical response to coal combustion at an underground coal gasification site
TC Ekneligoda, LT Yang, D Wanatowski, AM Marshall, LR Stace
2nd EAGE Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy: The Ground as Energy Source …, 2015
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