Yu Hu (胡 瑜)
Cited by
Cited by
Rt3d: Real-time 3-d vehicle detection in lidar point cloud for autonomous driving
Y Zeng, Y Hu, S Liu, J Ye, Y Han, X Li, N Sun
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (4), 3434-3440, 2018
Exploring spatial-temporal multi-frequency analysis for high-fidelity and temporal-consistency video prediction
B Jin, Y Hu, Q Tang, J Niu, Z Shi, Y Han, X Li
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
See and think: Disentangling semantic scene completion
S Liu, Y Hu, Y Zeng, Q Tang, B Jin, Y Han, X Li
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2018
IVF: Characterizing the vulnerability of microprocessor structures to intermittent faults
S Pan, Y Hu, X Li
IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems 20 (5), 777-790, 2012
RPUF: Physical unclonable function with randomized challenge to resist modeling attack
J Ye, Y Hu, X Li
2016 IEEE Asian Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (AsianHOST), 1-6, 2016
iFill: an impact-oriented X-filling method for shift-and capture-power reduction in at-speed scan-based testing
J Li, Q Xu, Y Hu, X Li
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 1184-1189, 2008
Towards human-like and transhuman perception in AI 2.0: a review
Y Tian, X Chen, H Xiong, H Li, L Dai, J Chen, J Xing, J Chen, X Wu, W Hu, ...
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 18, 58-67, 2017
On capture power-aware test data compression for scan-based testing
J Li, X Liu, Y Zhang, Y Hu, X Li, Q Xu
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 67-72, 2008
Geographical spatial analysis and risk prediction based on machine learning for maritime traffic accidents: A case study of Fujian sea area
Y Yang, Z Shao, Y Hu, Q Mei, J Pan, R Song, P Wang
Ocean Engineering 266, 113106, 2022
Hardware trojan in fpga cnn accelerator
J Ye, Y Hu, X Li
2018 IEEE 27th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 68-73, 2018
Efficient attack on non-linear current mirror PUF with genetic algorithm
Q Guo, J Ye, Y Gong, Y Hu, X Li
2016 IEEE 25th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 49-54, 2016
胡瑜, 韩银和, 李晓维
计算机研究与发展 42 (1), 153-162, 2005
Varnet: Exploring variations for unsupervised video prediction
B Jin, Y Hu, Y Zeng, Q Tang, S Liu, J Ye
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
Modeling attacks on strong physical unclonable functions strengthened by random number and weak PUF
J Ye, Q Guo, Y Hu, H Li, X Li
2018 IEEE 36th VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), 1-6, 2018
OPUF: Obfuscation logic based physical unclonable function
J Ye, Y Hu, X Li
2015 IEEE 21st International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS), 156-161, 2015
X-filling for simultaneous shift-and capture-power reduction in at-speed scan-based testing
J Li, Q Xu, Y Hu, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems (TVLSI) 18 …, 2010
Embedded test decompressor to reduce the required channels and vector memory of tester for complex processor circuit
Y Han, Y Hu, X Li, H Li, A Chandra
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems (TVLSI) 15 …, 2007
Survey: Hardware trojan detection for netlist
Y Yang, J Ye, Y Cao, J Zhang, X Li, H Li, Y Hu
2020 IEEE 29th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 1-6, 2020
Partial-SET: Write Speedup of PCM Main Memory
Bing Li, Shuchang Shan, Yu Hu, Xiaowei Li
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2014
An on-chip test clock control scheme for multi-clock at-speed testing
XX Fan, Y Hu, LT Wang
IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 341-348, 2007
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Articles 1–20