Athanasios Katsoyiannis
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Cited by
Microplastic in the surface waters of the Ross Sea (Antarctica): occurrence, distribution and characterization by FTIR
A Cincinelli, C Scopetani, D Chelazzi, E Lombardini, T Martellini, ...
Chemosphere 175, 391-400, 2017
Exposure to major volatile organic compounds and carbonyls in European indoor environments and associated health risk
DA Sarigiannis, SP Karakitsios, A Gotti, IL Liakos, A Katsoyiannis
Environment international 37 (4), 743-765, 2011
Occurrence and fate of heavy metals in the wastewater treatment process
M Karvelas, A Katsoyiannis, C Samara
Chemosphere 53 (10), 1201-1210, 2003
Occurrence of organic microcontaminants in the wastewater treatment process. A mini review
N Ratola, A Cincinelli, A Alves, A Katsoyiannis
Journal of hazardous materials 239, 1-18, 2012
The status of soil contamination by semivolatile organic chemicals (SVOCs) in China: a review
QY Cai, CH Mo, QT Wu, A Katsoyiannis, QY Zeng
Science of the Total Environment 389 (2-3), 209-224, 2008
PAH molecular diagnostic ratios applied to atmospheric sources: a critical evaluation using two decades of source inventory and air concentration data from the UK
A Katsoyiannis, AJ Sweetman, KC Jones
Environmental science & technology 45 (20), 8897-8906, 2011
Occurrence of organic contaminants in sewage sludges from eleven wastewater treatment plants, China
QY Cai, CH Mo, QT Wu, QY Zeng, A Katsoyiannis
Chemosphere 68 (9), 1751-1762, 2007
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in South Asian region: a review
U Ali, JH Syed, RN Malik, A Katsoyiannis, J Li, G Zhang, KC Jones
Science of the total environment 476, 705-717, 2014
Concentration and speciation of heavy metals in six different sewage sludge-composts
QY Cai, CH Mo, QT Wu, QY Zeng, A Katsoyiannis
Journal of Hazardous Materials 147 (3), 1063-1072, 2007
Soil contamination and sources of phthalates and its health risk in China: a review
H Lü, CH Mo, HM Zhao, L Xiang, A Katsoyiannis, YW Li, QY Cai, ...
Environmental research 164, 417-429, 2018
On the use of PAH molecular diagnostic ratios in sewage sludge for the understanding of the PAH sources. Is this use appropriate?
A Katsoyiannis, E Terzi, QY Cai
Chemosphere 69 (8), 1337-1339, 2007
Occurrence and risk assessment of organophosphorus and brominated flame retardants in the River Aire (UK)
J Cristale, A Katsoyiannis, AJ Sweetman, KC Jones, S Lacorte
Environmental Pollution 179, 194-200, 2013
Temporal trends of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in arctic air: 20 years of monitoring under the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
H Hung, AA Katsoyiannis, E Brorström-Lundén, K Olafsdottir, W Aas, ...
Environmental Pollution 217, 52-61, 2016
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the sewage treatment plant of Thessaloniki, northern Greece: occurrence and removal
A Katsoyiannis, C Samara
Water research 38 (11), 2685-2698, 2004
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the conventional activated sludge treatment process: fate and mass balance
A Katsoyiannis, C Samara
Environmental Research 97 (3), 245-257, 2005
Model-based evaluation of the use of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons molecular diagnostic ratios as a source identification tool
A Katsoyiannis, K Breivik
Environmental Pollution 184, 488-494, 2014
Occurrence and assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils from vegetable fields of the Pearl River Delta, South China
QY Cai, CH Mo, YH Li, QY Zeng, A Katsoyiannis, QT Wu, JF Férard
Chemosphere 68 (1), 159-168, 2007
Uptake of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by river water fish: the case of River Chenab
SAMAS Eqani, RN Malik, A Cincinelli, G Zhang, A Mohammad, A Qadir, ...
Science of the Total Environment 450, 83-91, 2013
Bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)-contaminated sewage sludge by different composting processes
QY Cai, CH Mo, QT Wu, QY Zeng, A Katsoyiannis, JF Ferard
Journal of Hazardous Materials 142 (1-2), 535-542, 2007
Soil erosion modelling: The new challenges as the result of policy developments in Europe
P Panagos, A Katsoyiannis
Environmental Research 172, 470-474, 2019
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Articles 1–20