van Treeck
van Treeck
Professur für Energieeffizientes Bauen
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Modeling occupant behavior in buildings
S Carlucci, M De Simone, SK Firth, MB Kjærgaard, R Markovic, ...
Building and Environment 174, 106768, 2020
Data-driven heating and cooling load predictions for non-residential buildings based on support vector machine regression and NARX Recurrent Neural Network: A comparative study …
D Koschwitz, J Frisch, C Van Treeck
Energy 165, 134-142, 2018
MVD based information exchange between BIM and building energy performance simulation
S Pinheiro, R Wimmer, J O’Donnell, S Muhic, V Bazjanac, T Maile, ...
Automation in Construction 90, 91-103, 2018
Window opening model using deep learning methods
R Markovic, E Grintal, D Wölki, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Building and Environment 145, 319-329, 2018
Real-time human skin temperature analysis using thermal image recognition for thermal comfort assessment
H Metzmacher, D Wölki, C Schmidt, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Energy and Buildings 158, 1063-1078, 2018
Extension of a hybrid thermal LBE scheme for large-eddy simulations of turbulent convective flows
C Van Treeck, E Rank, M Krafczyk, J Tölke, B Nachtwey
Computers & Fluids 35 (8-9), 863-871, 2006
Information modelling for urban building energy simulation—A taxonomic review
A Malhotra, J Bischof, A Nichersu, KH Häfele, J Exenberger, D Sood, ...
Building and environment 208, 108552, 2022
Dimensional reduction of 3D building models using graph theory and its application in building energy simulation
C van Treeck, E Rank
Engineering with Computers 23, 109-122, 2007
IBPSA Project 1: BIM/GIS and Modelica framework for building and community energy system design and operation–ongoing developments, lessons learned and challenges
M Wetter, C van Treeck, L Helsen, A Maccarini, D Saelens, D Robinson, ...
Iop conference series: Earth and environmental science 323 (1), 012114, 2019
Towards a 3D spatial query language for building information models
A Borrmann, C Van Treeck, E Rank
Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering …, 2006
Visualization of indoor thermal environment on mobile devices based on augmented reality and computational fluid dynamics
JR Lin, J Cao, JP Zhang, C van Treeck, J Frisch
Automation in Construction 103, 26-40, 2019
Indoor air flow analysis based on lattice Boltzmann methods
B Crouse, M Krafczyk, S Kühner, E Rank, C Van Treeck
Energy and buildings 34 (9), 941-949, 2002
Method and device for detecting thermal comfort
C Van Treeck, K Sedlbauer, D Wölki
US Patent App. 14/126,028, 2014
Personal climatization systems—a review on existing and upcoming concepts
A Warthmann, D Wölki, H Metzmacher, C Van Treeck
Applied Sciences 9 (1), 35, 2018
An open framework for integrated BIM-based building performance simulation using Modelica
P Remmen, J Cao, S Ebertshäuser, J Frisch, M Lauster, T Maile, ...
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2015, 2015
Structural analysis based on the product model standard IFC
R Romberg, A Niggl, C van Treeck, E Rank
Xth Int. on Comp. in Civil and Bldg. Eng.(ICCCBE), 2004
Facade geometry generation from low-resolution aerial photographs for building energy modeling
J Cao, H Metzmacher, J O'Donnell, J Frisch, V Bazjanac, L Kobbelt, ...
Building and Environment 123, 601-624, 2017
IEA EBC Annex 60: new generation computing tools for building and community energy systems
M Wetter, C van Treeck
The Regents of the University of California and RWTH Aachen University, 2017
Comparison of different classification algorithms for the detection of user's interaction with windows in office buildings
R Markovic, S Wolf, J Cao, E Spinnräker, D Wölki, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Energy Procedia 122, 337-342, 2017
Integrated thermal comfort analysis using a parametric manikin model for interactive real-time simulation
C Van Treeck, J Frisch, M Pfaffinger, E Rank, S Paulke, I Schweinfurth, ...
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 2 (4), 233-250, 2009
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Articles 1–20