Surya Deva
Cited by
Cited by
Human rights obligations of business: beyond the corporate responsibility to respect?
S Deva, D Bilchitz
Cambridge University Press, 2013
Global Compact: A Critique of the UN's public-private partnership for promoting corporate citizenship
S Deva
Syracuse J. Int'l L. & Com. 34, 107, 2006
Human rights violations by multinational corporations and international law: where from here?
S Deva
Conn. J. Int'l L. 19, 1, 2003
Regulating corporate human rights violations: humanizing business
S Deva
Routledge, 2012
Acting extraterritorially to tame multinational corporations for human rights violations: Who should bell the cat
S Deva
Melb. J. Int'l L. 5, 37, 2004
Public interest litigation in India: A critical review
S Deva
Civil Justice Quarterly 28, 19-40, 2009
UN's Human Rights Norms for Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises: An Imperfect Step in the Right Direction?
S Deva
ILSA J. Int'l & Comp. L. 10, 493, 2003
Building a treaty on business and human rights: context and contours
S Deva, D Bilchitz
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Guiding principles on business and human rights: implications for companies
S Deva
European Company Law 9 (2), 101-109, 2012
The human rights obligations of business: a critical framework for the future
D Bilchitz, S Deva
Human rights obligations of business: beyond the corporate responsibility to …, 2011
Corporate complicity in Internet censorship in China: Who cares for the global compact or the global online freedom act
S Deva
Geo. Wash. Int'l L. Rev. 39, 255, 2007
Mandatory human rights due diligence laws in Europe: A mirage for rightsholders?
S Deva
Leiden Journal of International Law 36 (2), 389-414, 2023
From business or human rights to business and human rights: what next?
S Deva
Research handbook on human rights and business, 1-21, 2020
Sustainable good governance and corporations: an analysis of asymmetries
S Deva
Geo. Int'l Envtl. L. Rev. 18, 707, 2005
The UN Guiding Principles’ orbit and other regulatory regimes in the business and human rights universe: Managing the interface
D Surya
Business and Human Rights Journal 6 (2), 336-351, 2021
Corporate human rights violations: A case for extraterritorial regulation
S Deva
Handbook of the philosophical foundations of business ethics, 1077-1090, 2013
Corporate code of conduct bill 2000: overcoming hurdles in enforcing human rights obligations against overseas corporate hands of local corporations
S Deva
Newcastle L. Rev. 8, 87, 2004
Research handbook on human rights and business
S Deva, D Birchall
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
The constitution of India: Symbol of unity in diversity
MP Singh, S Deva
Jahrbuch des Offentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, Yearbook of Public Law …, 2005
Scope of the proposed business and human rights treaty: navigating through normativity, law and politics
S Deva
Building a treaty on business and human rights: context and contours, 154-182, 2017
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Articles 1–20