Lindsay O'Dell
Cited by
Cited by
Critical autism studies: Exploring epistemic dialogues and intersections, challenging dominant understandings of autism
L O¡¦Dell, H Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, F Ortega, C Brownlow, M Orsini
Disability & Society 31 (2), 166-179, 2016
Ethical issues for qualitative research in on-line communities
C Brownlow, L O'Dell
Disability & Society 17 (6), 685-694, 2002
Constructing an autistic identity: AS voices online
C Brownlow, L O'Dell
Mental retardation 44 (5), 315-321, 2006
The problem of interpretation in vignette methodology in research with young people
L O¡¦dell, S Crafter, G De Abreu, T Cline
Qualitative Research 12 (6), 702-714, 2012
Exploring the potential for social networking among people with autism: Challenging dominant ideas of ¡¥friendship¡¦
C Brownlow, H Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, L O'Dell
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 17 (2), 188-193, 2015
Doing it differently: Emancipatory autism studies within a neurodiverse academic space
H Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, M Kourti, D Jackson-Perry, C Brownlow, ...
Disability & Society 34 (7-8), 1082-1101, 2019
Mapping the social geographies of autism¡Vonline and off-line narratives of neuro-shared and separate spaces
H Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, C Brownlow, L o¡¦Dell
Disability & Society 28 (3), 367-379, 2013
The ¡¥harm'story in childhood sexual abuse: Contested understandings, disputed knowledges
L O'Dell
New feminist stories of child sexual abuse, 131-147, 2003
Constructing ¡¥normal childhoods¡¦: Young people talk about young carers
L O¡¦Dell, S Crafter, G de Abreu, T Cline
Childhood and Disability, 134-146, 2020
What can stutterers learn from the neurodiversity movement?
CD Constantino
Seminars in Speech and Language 39 (04), 382-396, 2018
Young people's representations of language brokering
T Cline, S Crafter, L O'Dell, G De Abreu
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural development 32 (3), 207-220, 2011
Young peoples¡¦ representations of ¡¥atypical¡¦work in English society
S Crafter, L O¡¦Dell, G De Abreu, T Cline
Children & Society 23 (3), 176-188, 2009
Representations of the ¡¥damaged¡¦child:¡¥Child saving¡¦in a British children's charity ad campaign
L O'Dell
Children & Society 22 (5), 383-392, 2008
Media reports of links between MMR and autism: a discourse analysis
L O'Dell, C Brownlow
British Journal of Learning Disabilities 33 (4), 194-199, 2005
Using vignette methodology as a tool for exploring cultural identity positions of language brokers
S Crafter, G De Abreu, T Cline, L O¡¦Dell
Journal of Constructivist Psychology 28 (1), 83-96, 2015
Autism as a form of biological citizenship
C Brownlow, L O¡¦Dell
Worlds of autism: Across the spectrum of neurological difference, 97-114, 2013
Childhoods past and present: Anxiety and idyll in reminiscences of childhood outdoor play and contemporary parenting practices
A Rixon, H Lomax, L O¡¦Dell
Children's geographies 17 (5), 618-629, 2019
Recent research on child language brokering in the United Kingdom
T Cline, G De Abreu, L O'Dell, S Crafter
MediAziono: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies on Language and Cultures 10 ¡K, 2010
Adult women and ADHD: On the temporal dimensions of ADHD identities
P Stenner, L O'Dell, A Davies
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 49 (2), 179-197, 2019
¡¥An Association for All¡¦¡XNotions of the Meaning of Autistic Self‐Advocacy Politics within a Parent‐Dominated Autistic Movement
H Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, C Brownlow, L O'Dell
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 25 (3), 219-231, 2015
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Articles 1–20