Enrico Milanese
Enrico Milanese
WHOI - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
在 whoi.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Emergence of self-affine surfaces during adhesive wear
E Milanese, T Brink, R Aghababaei, JF Molinari
Nature communications 10 (1), 1116, 2019
Adhesive wear mechanisms uncovered by atomistic simulations
JF Molinari, R Aghababaei, T Brink, L Frérot, E Milanese
Friction 6, 245-259, 2018
Interaction between crack tip advancement and fluid flow in fracturing saturated porous media
TD Cao, E Milanese, EW Remij, P Rizzato, JJC Remmers, L Simoni, ...
Mechanics Research Communications 80, 24-37, 2017
Dynamics of fracturing saturated porous media and self-organization of rupture
C Peruzzo, DT Cao, E Milanese, P Favia, F Pesavento, F Hussain, ...
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 74, 471-484, 2019
Role of interfacial adhesion on minimum wear particle size and roughness evolution
E Milanese, T Brink, R Aghababaei, JF Molinari
Physical Review E 102 (4), 043001, 2020
Avalanches in dry and saturated disordered media at fracture
E Milanese, O Yılmaz, JF Molinari, B Schrefler
Physical Review E 93 (4), 043002, 2016
Effect of wear particles and roughness on nanoscale friction
T Brink, E Milanese, JF Molinari
Physical Review Materials 6 (1), 013606, 2022
An Explanation for the Intermittent Crack Tip Advancement and Pressure Fluctuations in Hydraulic Fracturing
E. Milanese, P. Rizzato, F. Pesavento, S. Secchi, B.A. Schrefler
Hydraulic Fracturing Journal 3 (2), 30-43, 2016
Avalanches in dry and saturated disordered media at fracture in shear and mixed mode scenarios
E Milanese, O Yılmaz, JF Molinari, BA Schrefler
Mechanics Research Communications 80, 58-68, 2017
Fracturing in dry and saturated porous media
E Milanese, TD Cao, L Simoni, BA Schrefler
Advances in Computational Plasticity: A Book in Honour of D. Roger J. Owen …, 2018
A mechanistic model for the growth of cylindrical debris particles in the presence of adhesion
E Milanese, JF Molinari
International Journal of Solids and Structures 203, 1-16, 2020
Forerunning and bridging in dry and saturated fracturing solids
E Milanese, T Ni, C Peruzzo, M Zaccariotto, U Galvanetto, GS Mishuris, ...
Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics, 343-353, 2022
Fractal surfaces in adhesive wear processes
E Milanese, T Brink, R Aghababaei, JF Molinari
6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics European Conference on …, 2018
Surface roughness evolution in atomistic simulations of adhesive wear: from asperity collision to three-body configuration.
E Milanese, R Aghababaei, T Brink, JF Molinari
Science of Wear Workshop, 2018
The role of gouge production in the seismic behavior of rough faults: A numerical study
M Castellano, E Milanese, C Cattania, DS Kammer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.18283, 2024
Brittle origin of off-fault fractures during the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
E Milanese, C Cattania
EarthArXiv, 2024
The influence of gouge formation on seismicity and fault slip behavior.
M Castellano, E Milanese, C Cattania, D Kammer
EGU24, 2024
Origins and Implications of Heterogeneities in Dry and Fluid-Pressurized Fault Zones Across Scales I Poster
E Milanese, M Acosta, C Cattania, F Ciardo, F Paglialunga
AGU23, 2023
Heterogeneous Coseismic Stress State Describes Off-fault Fractures Orientation in the 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence
E Milanese, C Cattania
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, T12D-0115, 2022
Simulation of adhesive wear mechanisms at the nanoscale and an approach towards mesoscale models
T Brink, E Milanese, L Frérot, JF Molinari
MSE Congress, 2022
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