Pradip Ghanty
Pradip Ghanty
Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Asansol Girls' College
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SVM-based hierarchical architectures for handwritten Bangla character recognition
TK Bhowmik, P Ghanty, A Roy, SK Parui
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 12, 97-108, 2009
Prediction of protein folds: extraction of new features, dimensionality reduction, and fusion of heterogeneous classifiers
P Ghanty, NR Pal
IEEE transactions on nanobioscience 8 (1), 100-110, 2009
Artificial neural network approach for estimating weld bead width and depth of penetration from infrared thermal image of weld pool
P Ghanty, M Vasudevan, DP Mukherjee, NR Pal, N Chandrasekhar, ...
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 13 (4), 395-401, 2008
Modelling weld bead geometry using neural networks for GTAW of austenitic stainless steel
P Ghanty, S Paul, DP Mukherjee, M Vasudevan, NR Pal, AK Bhaduri
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 12 (7), 649-658, 2007
NEUROSVM: An Architecture to Reduce the Effect of the Choice of Kernel on the Performance of SVM.
P Ghanty, S Paul, NR Pal
Journal of Machine Learning Research 10 (3), 2009
Identification of a small set of plasma signalling proteins using neural network for prediction of Alzheimer’s disease
S Agarwal, P Ghanty, NR Pal
Bioinformatics 31 (15), 2505-2513, 2015
Fuzzy rule based approach for predicting weld bead geometry in gas tungsten arc welding
P Ghanty, S Paul, A Roy, DP Mukherjee, NR Pal, M Vasudevan, H Kumar, ...
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 13 (2), 167-175, 2008
Prediction of protein secondary structure using probability based features and a hybrid system
P Ghanty, NR Pal, RK Mudi
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 11 (05), 1350012, 2013
Indian Premier League Cricket Score Prediction: A Machine Learning Technique
Pradip Ghanty, Ishita Kar, Mamta Singh, Pushpita Chakraborty, Riya Baranwal
PANCHAKOTesSAYS 14 (2), 38-45, 2023
Computational Intelligence Based Prediction of Alzheimer Disease from Imbalanced Mild Cognitive Impairment Samples
P Ghanty
Journal of Scientific Enquiry 3 (1), 78-81, 2023
Prediction of Alzheimer from Imbalanced Mild Cognitive Impairment Samples
P Ghanty
Research Discourse 8 (VI Supplement 2018), 61-64, 2018
Computational Intelligence Based Methodologies for Some Bioinformatics Problems
P Ghanty
Jadavpur University, 2015
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Articles 1–12