Imran Ali
Imran Ali
Senior Lecturer, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University United Kingdom
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Corporate social responsibility influences, employee commitment and organizational performance
I Ali, KU Rehman, SI Ali, J Yousaf, M Zia
African journal of Business management 4 (13), 2796, 2010
A study of university students’ motivation and its relationship with their academic performance
H Afzal, I Ali, M Aslam Khan, K Hamid
Available at SSRN 2899435, 2010
Effects of motivational factors on employees job satisfaction a case study of University of the Punjab, Pakistan
I Ahmed, MM Nawaz, N Iqbal, I Ali, Z Shaukat, A Usman
International journal of business and management 5 (3), 70, 2010
Project Governance, Benefit Management, and Project Success: Towards a Framework for Supporting Organizational Strategy Implementation
IA Ata ul, Musawir, Carlos Serra, Ofer Zwikael
International Journal of Project Management 35 (8), 1658-1672, 2017
Personality traits, individual innovativeness and satisfaction with life
I Ali
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 4 (19), 38-46, 2019
Effects of corporate social responsibility on consumer retention in cellular industry of Pakistan
I Ali, KU Rehman, AK Yilmaz, S Nazir, JF Ali
African Journal of Business Management 4 (4), 475-485, 2010
Impact of knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity on project performance: the moderating role of social processes.
MA Imran Ali, Ata ul, Musawir
Journal of Knowledge Management 22 (2), 453-477, 2018
Causal relationship between macro-economic indicators and stock exchange prices in Pakistan
I Ali, KU Rehman, AK Yilmaz, MA Khan, H Afzal
African journal of business management 4 (3), 312, 2010
Consumer's trust in the brand: Can it be built through brand reputation, brand competence and brand predictability
H Afzal, MA Khan, K ur Rehman, I Ali, S Wajahat
International business research 3 (1), 43, 2010
Factors affecting customer loyalty in Pakistan
AS Abbasi, W Akhter, I Ali, A Hasan
African Journal of Business Management 5 (4), 1167-1174, 2011
The effect of organizational structure on absorptive capacity In single and dual learning modes
M Ali, I Ali, KA Al-Maimani, K Park
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 3 (3), 108-114, 2018
The role of knowledge spillovers and cultural intelligence in enhancing expatriate employees' individual and team creativity
I Ali, M Ali, AL Leal-Rodríguez, G Albort-Morant
Journal of Business Research 101, 561-573, 2019
Determinants of consumer retention in cellular industry of Pakistan
JF Ali, I Ali, K ur Rehman, AK Yilmaz, N Safwan, H Afzal
African Journal of Business Management 4 (12), 2402, 2010
Symmetric and asymmetric modeling of entrepreneurial ecosystem in developing entrepreneurial intentions among female university students in Saudi Arabia
SB Imran Ali, Murad Ali
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2019
How do job insecurity and perceived well-being affect expatriate employees’ willingness to share or hide knowledge?
ALLR Murad Ali, Imran Ali, Gema Albort-Morant
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 17, 185-210, 2021
The moderating role of corporate reputation and employee-company identification on the work-related outcomes of job insecurity resulting from workforce localization policies
JZ Ali, I., Ali, M., Grigore, G., Molesworth, M.
Journal of Business Research 117, 825-838, 2020
Is gold investment a hedge against inflation in Pakistan? A co-integration and causality analysis in the presence of structural breaks
M Shahbaz, MI Tahir, I Ali, IU Rehman
North American Journal of Economics and Finance 28, 190-205, 2014
I Ali, AK Alvi, RR Ali
Romanian Review of Social Sciences, 2012
Linkage between employee’s performance and relationship conflict in banking scenario
H Afzal, MA Khan, I Ali
International Journal of Business and Management 4 (7), 19-25, 2009
How international SME's vicarious learning may improve their performance? The role of absorptive capacity, strength of ties with local SMEs, and their prior success experiences
MB Imran Ali, Murad Ali, Mohammad Asif Salam, Zeeshan Ahmed Bhatti, Ghulam ...
Industrial Marketing Management 88, 87-100, 2020
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