Do P.M. Tromp
Do P.M. Tromp
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Characterization of Cerebral White Matter Properties Using Quantitative MRI Stains
AL Alexander, SA Hurley, AA Samsonov, N Adluru, AP Hosseinbor, ...
Brain Connectivity 1 (6), 423-446, 2011
Diffusion tensor imaging in autism spectrum disorder: a review
BG Travers, N Adluru, C Ennis, DPM Tromp, D Destiche, S Doran, ...
Autism Research 5 (5), 289-313, 2012
Extending the amygdala in theories of threat processing
AS Fox, JA Oler, DPM Tromp, JL Fudge, NH Kalin
Trends in neurosciences 38 (5), 319-329, 2015
Dispositional negativity: An integrative psychological and neurobiological perspective.
AJ Shackman, DPM Tromp, MD Stockbridge, CM Kaplan, RM Tillman, ...
Psychological bulletin 142 (12), 1275, 2016
Reduced structural connectivity of a major frontolimbic pathway in generalized anxiety disorder
DPM Tromp, DW Grupe, DJ Oathes, DR McFarlin, PJ Hernandez, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 69 (9), 925-934, 2012
Overexpressing corticotropin-releasing factor in the primate amygdala increases anxious temperament and alters its neural circuit
NH Kalin, AS Fox, R Kovner, MK Riedel, EM Fekete, PH Roseboom, ...
Biological Psychiatry 80 (5), 345-355, 2016
The neurobiology of dispositional negativity and attentional biases to threat: Implications for understanding anxiety disorders in adults and youth
AJ Shackman, MD Stockbridge, RM Tillman, CM Kaplan, DPM Tromp, ...
Journal of experimental psychopathology 7 (3), 311-342, 2016
Atypical development of white matter microstructure of the corpus callosum in males with autism: a longitudinal investigation
BG Travers, DPM Tromp, N Adluru, N Lange, D Destiche, C Ennis, ...
Molecular autism 6, 1-15, 2015
A diffusion tensor brain template for Rhesus Macaques
N Adluru, H Zhang, AS Fox, SE Shelton, CM Ennis, AM Bartosic, JA Oler, ...
Neuroimage, 2011
Connectivity between the central nucleus of the amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the non-human primate: neuronal tract tracing and developmental …
JA Oler, DPM Tromp, AS Fox, R Kovner, RJ Davidson, AL Alexander, ...
Brain Structure and Function 222, 21-39, 2017
Treatment outcome-related white matter differences in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder
M Kennis, SJH Van Rooij, DPM Tromp, AS Fox, AR Rademaker, RS Kahn, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 40 (10), 2434-2442, 2015
Longitudinal processing speed impairments in males with autism and the effects of white matter microstructure
BG Travers, ED Bigler, DPM Tromp, N Adluru, AL Froehlich, C Ennis, ...
Neuropsychologia 53, 137-145, 2014
Awareness of emotional stimuli determines the behavioral consequences of amygdala activation and amygdala-prefrontal connectivity
RC Lapate, B Rokers, DPM Tromp, NS Orfali, JA Oler, ST Doran, N Adluru, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 25826, 2016
Brainstem white matter predicts individual differences in manual motor difficulties and symptom severity in autism
BG Travers, ED Bigler, DPM Tromp, N Adluru, D Destiche, D Samsin, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 45, 3030-3040, 2015
Altered uncinate fasciculus microstructure in childhood anxiety disorders in boys but not girls
DPM Tromp, LE Williams, AS Fox, JA Oler, PH Roseboom, GM Rogers, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 176 (3), 208-216, 2019
A diffusion-tensor-based white matter atlas for rhesus macaques
E Zakszewski, N Adluru, DPM Tromp, N Kalin, AL Alexander
PloS one 9 (9), e107398, 2014
Longitudinal development of thalamic and internal capsule microstructure in autism spectrum disorder
K McLaughlin, BG Travers, OI Dadalko, DC Dean III, D Tromp, N Adluru, ...
Autism Research 11 (3), 450-462, 2018
Multivariate characterization of white matter heterogeneity in autism spectrum disorder
DC Dean III, N Lange, BG Travers, MB Prigge, N Matsunami, KA Kellett, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 14, 54-66, 2017
DTI Scalars (FA, MD, AD, RD)-How do they relate to brain structure?
D Tromp
Authorea Preprints, 2023
The relationship between the uncinate fasciculus and anxious temperament is evolutionarily conserved and sexually dimorphic
DPM Tromp, AS Fox, JA Oler, AL Alexander, NH Kalin
Biological psychiatry 86 (12), 890-898, 2019
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