Ciro A. Rodriguez
Ciro A. Rodriguez
Tecnologico de Monterrey
在 tec.mx 的电子邮件经过验证
Influence of process parameters on part quality and mechanical properties for DMLS and SLM with iron-based materials
J Delgado, J Ciurana, CA Rodríguez
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 60, 601-610, 2012
High-speed machining of cast iron and alloy steels for die and mold manufacturing
P Fallböhmer, CA Rodrı́guez, T Özel, T Altan
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 98 (1), 104-115, 2000
Characterization of the mechanical properties of FFF structures and materials: A review on the experimental, computational and theoretical approaches
E Cuan-Urquizo, E Barocio, V Tejada-Ortigoza, RB Pipes, CA Rodriguez, ...
Materials 12 (6), 895, 2019
Next-generation manufacturing systems: key research issues in developing and integrating reconfigurable and intelligent machines
A Molina, CA Rodriguez, H Ahuett, JA Cortés, M Ramírez, G Jiménez, ...
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 18 (7), 525-536, 2005
Influence of tool path strategy on the cycle time of high-speed milling
M Monreal, CA Rodriguez
Computer-aided design 35 (4), 395-401, 2003
Analyzing effects of cooling and lubrication conditions in micromilling of Ti6Al4V
E Vazquez, J Gomar, J Ciurana, CA Rodríguez
Journal of Cleaner Production 87, 906-913, 2015
An improved BEM model for the power curve prediction of stallregulated wind turbines
J Martinez, L Bernabini, O Probst, C Rodriguez
Wind Energy: An International Journal for Progress and Applications in Wind …, 2005
An experimental analysis of process parameters to manufacture metallic micro-channels by micro-milling
E Vázquez, CA Rodríguez, A Elías-Zúñiga, J Ciurana
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 51 (9), 945-955, 2010
Finite element modeling of hard roller burnishing: an analysis on the effects of process parameters upon surface finish and residual stresses
P Sartkulvanich, T Altan, F Jasso, C Rodriguez
Environmental analysis of selective laser melting in the manufacturing of aeronautical turbine blades
S Torres-Carrillo, HR Siller, C Vila, C López, CA Rodríguez
Journal of Cleaner Production 246, 119068, 2020
Sound mapping for identification of stability lobe diagrams in milling processes
G Quintana, J Ciurana, I Ferrer, CA Rodríguez
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 49 (3), 203-211, 2009
Characterization and stability analysis of a multivariable milling tool by the enhanced multistage homotopy perturbation method
FI Compean, D Olvera, FJ Campa, LNL De Lacalle, A Elias-Zuniga, ...
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 57, 27-33, 2012
Diagnóstico del impacto de la motivación laboral como medio para incrementar la productividad. Estudio de caso: Empresa TSR de Saltillo, Coahuila, México
A Rodríguez, X Segura, M Elizondo, R Moreno, J Montalvo
Revista Espacios 41 (43), 53-68, 2020
Rapid tooling using 3D printing system for manufacturing of customized tracheal stent
E L. Melgoza, G Vallicrosa, L Serenó, J Ciurana, C A. Rodríguez
Rapid Prototyping Journal 20 (1), 2-12, 2014
Circular economy in the electronic products sector: Material flow analysis and economic impact of cellphone e-waste in Mexico
D Cordova-Pizarro, I Aguilar-Barajas, D Romero, CA Rodriguez
Sustainability 11 (5), 1361, 2019
Study of lubrication and wear in single point incremental sheet forming (SPIF) process using vegetable oil nanolubricants
J Diabb, CA Rodríguez, N Mamidi, JA Sandoval, J Taha-Tijerina, ...
Wear 376, 777-785, 2017
Using chaotic advection for facile high-throughput fabrication of ordered multilayer micro-and nanostructures: continuous chaotic printing
C Chávez-Madero, MD de León-Derby, M Samandari, ...
Biofabrication 12 (3), 035023, 2020
Study of face milling of hardened AISI D3 steel with a special design of carbide tools
HR Siller, C Vila, CA Rodríguez, JV Abellán
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 40, 12-25, 2009
Optimization of photocrosslinkable resin components and 3D printing process parameters
AJ Guerra, J Lammel-Lindemann, A Katko, A Kleinfehn, CA Rodriguez, ...
Acta biomaterialia 97, 154-161, 2019
Swarm intelligent selection and optimization of machining system parameters for microchannel fabrication in medical devices
E Vazquez, J Ciurana, CA Rodriguez, T Thepsonthi, T Özel
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 26 (3), 403-414, 2011
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