Swinder Janda
Swinder Janda
Department of Marketing, Kansas State University
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Consumer perceptions of Internet retail service quality
S Janda, PJ Trocchia, KP Gwinner
International journal of service industry management 13 (5), 412-431, 2002
Predicting consumer intentions to purchase energy‐efficient products
HY Ha, S Janda
Journal of Consumer Marketing 29 (7), 461-469, 2012
A phenomenological investigation of Internet usage among older individuals
PJ Trocchia, S Janda
Journal of consumer marketing 17 (7), 605-616, 2000
A new understanding of satisfaction model in e‐re‐purchase situation
HY Ha, S Janda, SK Muthaly
European journal of marketing 44 (7/8), 997-1016, 2010
How do consumers evaluate Internet retail service quality?
PJ Trocchia, S Janda
Journal of services marketing 17 (3), 243-253, 2003
The effects of advertising spending on brand loyalty in services
HY Ha, J John, S Janda, S Muthaly
European journal of marketing 45 (4), 673-691, 2011
Motivations of college student game attendance and word-of-mouth behavior: The impact of gender differences.
SR Swanson, K Gwinner, BV Larson, S Janda
Sport Marketing Quarterly 12 (3), 2003
Environmental influences in corporate brand identification and outcomes
DT Donavan, S Janda, J Suh
Journal of Brand management 14 (1), 125-136, 2006
The influence of purchasing strategies on performance
S Janda, S Seshadri
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 16 (4), 294-308, 2001
Development of brand equity: evaluation of four alternative models
HY Ha, S Janda, S Muthaly
The Service Industries Journal 30 (6), 911-928, 2010
Vegetarianism: Toward a greater understanding
S Janda, PJ Trocchia
Psychology & Marketing 18 (12), 1205-1240, 2001
The effect of customized information on online purchase intentions
HY Ha, S Janda
Internet Research 24 (4), 496-519, 2014
The effect of country‐of‐origin related stereotypes and personal beliefs on product evaluation
S Janda, CP Rao
Psychology & Marketing 14 (7), 689-702, 1997
An empirical test of a proposed customer satisfaction model in e‐services
HY Ha, S Janda
Journal of Services Marketing 22 (5), 399-408, 2008
Role of satisfaction in an integrative model of brand loyalty: Evidence from China and South Korea
HY Ha, S Janda, SK Park
International Marketing Review 26 (2), 198-220, 2009
Do product and consumer characteristics affect the relationship between online experience and customer satisfaction?
S Janda, A Ybarra
Journal of Internet commerce 4 (4), 133-151, 2005
Exploring key antecedents of purchase intentions within different services
HY Ha, R K. Akamavi, P J. Kitchen, S Janda
Journal of Services Marketing 28 (7), 595-606, 2014
Brand personality and its outcomes in the Chinese automobile industry
HY Ha, S Janda
Asia Pacific business review 20 (2), 216-230, 2014
Manufacturer–supplier relationships: An empirical test of a model of buyer outcomes
S Janda, JB Murray, S Burton
Industrial Marketing Management 31 (5), 411-420, 2002
Marketing, theory borrowing, and critical reflection
JB Murray, DJ Evers, S Janda
Journal of Macromarketing 15 (2), 92-106, 1995
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