David E. Zelmon
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Infrared corrected Sellmeier coefficients for congruently grown lithium niobate and 5 mol.% magnesium oxide–doped lithium niobate
DE Zelmon, DL Small, D Jundt
JOSA B 14 (12), 3319-3322, 1997
Molecular beam epitaxy growth of epitaxial barium silicide, barium oxide, and barium titanate on silicon
RA McKee, FJ Walker, JR Conner, ED Specht, DE Zelmon
Applied physics letters 59 (7), 782-784, 1991
Refractive-index measurements of undoped yttrium aluminum garnet from 0.4 to 5.0 μm
DE Zelmon, DL Small, R Page
Applied optics 37 (21), 4933-4935, 1998
Growth and characterization of large CdSiP2 single crystals
KT Zawilski, PG Schunemann, TC Pollak, DE Zelmon, NC Fernelius, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 312 (8), 1127-1132, 2010
Far-infrared conversion materials: Gallium selenide for far-infrared conversion applications
NB Singh, DR Suhre, V Balakrishna, M Marable, R Meyer, N Fernelius, ...
Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 37 (1), 47-102, 1998
Properties of an Infrared‐Transparent MgO:Y2O3 Nanocomposite
DC Harris, LR Cambrea, LF Johnson, RT Seaver, M Baronowski, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96 (12), 3828-3835, 2013
Refractive-index measurements and Sellmeier coefficients for zinc germanium phosphide from 2 to 9 µm with implications for phase matching in optical frequency-conversion devices
DE Zelmon, EA Hanning, PG Schunemann
JOSA B 18 (9), 1307-1310, 2001
Optical Limiting Behavior of Nanosized Polyicosahedral Gold− Silver Clusters Based on Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Effects
H Zhang, DE Zelmon, L Deng, HK Liu, BK Teo
Journal of the American chemical society 123 (45), 11300-11301, 2001
Electro‐optic, piezoelectric, and dielectric properties of zinc tris thiourea sulfate
UB Ramabadran, DE Zelmon, GC Kennedy
Applied physics letters 60 (21), 2589-2591, 1992
Thermal diffusion of Cr2+ in bulk ZnSe
JO Ndap, K Chattopadhyay, OO Adetunji, DE Zelmon, A Burger
Journal of crystal growth 240 (1-2), 176-184, 2002
Modified GaSe crystals for mid-IR applications
NB Singh, DR Suhre, W Rosch, R Meyer, M Marable, NC Fernelius, ...
Journal of crystal growth 198, 588-592, 1999
Optical clarity and waveguide performance of thin film perovskites on MgO
FJ Walker, RA McKee, H Yen, DE Zelmon
Applied physics letters 65 (12), 1495-1497, 1994
Infrared properties of a nonlinear optical chalcopyrite semiconductor
MC Ohmer, JT Goldstein, DE Zelmon, AW Saxler, SM Hegde, JD Wolf, ...
Journal of applied physics 86 (1), 94-99, 1999
Wide Spectral Range Nonlinear Optical Crystals of One-Dimensional Coordination Solids [Et4N][Cd(SCN)3] and [Et4N][Cd(SeCN)3] and the General Design Criteria for [R4N …
H Zhang, DE Zelmon, GE Price, BK Teo
Inorganic Chemistry 39 (9), 1868-1873, 2000
Properties of four-layer planar optical waveguides near cutoff
W Borland, D Zelmon, C Radens, J Boyd, H Jackson
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 23 (7), 1172-1179, 1987
Nonlinear optical characteristics of binary organic system
NB Singh, T Henningsen, RH Hopkins, R Mazelsky, RD Hamacher, ...
Journal of crystal growth 128 (1-4), 976-980, 1993
Optical and thermal properties of spinel with revised (increased) absorption at 4 to 5 μm wavelengths and comparison with sapphire
DC Harris, LF Johnson, R Seaver, T Lewis, G Turri, M Bass, DE Zelmon, ...
Optical Engineering 52 (8), 087113-087113, 2013
Rubidium titanyl arsenate difference-frequency generation and validation of new Sellmeier coefficients
DL Fenimore, KL Schepler, D Zelmon, S Kück, UB Ramabadran, ...
JOSA B 13 (9), 1935-1940, 1996
Temperature-dependent Sellmeier equations for rare-earth sesquioxides
DE Zelmon, JM Northridge, ND Haynes, D Perlov, K Petermann
Applied Optics 52 (16), 3824-3828, 2013
Low loss optical waveguides fabricated by thermal nitridation of oxidized silicon
DE Zelmon, JT Boyd, HE Jackson
Applied physics letters 47 (4), 353-355, 1985
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Articles 1–20