Dr. Lijuan Marissa Zhou
Dr. Lijuan Marissa Zhou
Senior Researcher in Computer Science, Dublin City University
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Cited by
Effect of aging temperature on microstructure and properties of AlCoCrCuFeNi high-entropy alloy
LH Wen, HC Kou, JS Li, H Chang, XY Xue, L Zhou
Intermetallics 17 (4), 266-269, 2009
Inflammatory cytokines induce the transformation of human dermal microvascular endothelial cells into myofibroblasts: a potential role in skin fibrogenesis
V Chaudhuri, L Zhou, M Karasek
Journal of cutaneous pathology 34 (2), 146-153, 2007
Homogeneous deformation of Ti41. 5Cu37. 5Ni7. 5Zr2. 5Hf5Sn5Si1 bulk metallic glass in the supercooled liquid region
JN Mei, JL Soubeyroux, JJ Blandin, JS Li, HC Kou, HZ Fu, L Zhou
Intermetallics 19 (1), 48-53, 2011
A Survey on Life Logging Data Capture
LM Zhou, C Gurrin
SenseCam 2012 Symposium, Oxford, UK, 2012
On discussion of the applicability of local Avrami exponent: Errors and solutions
J Wang, HC Kou, XF Gu, JS Li, LQ Xing, R Hu, L Zhou
Materials Letters 63 (13-14), 1153-1155, 2009
Increased efficiency of cloning large DNA fragments using a lower copy number plasmid
T Feng, Z Li, W Jiang, B Breyer, L Zhou, H Cheng, RC Haydon, ...
Biotechniques 32 (5), 992-998, 2002
Determination of kinetic parameters during isochronal crystallization of Ti40Zr25Ni8Cu9Be18 metallic glass
J Wang, HC Kou, JS Li, XF Gu, LQ Xing, L Zhou
Journal of alloys and compounds 479 (1-2), 835-839, 2009
许洺山, 黄海侠, 史青茹, 杨晓东, 周刘丽, 赵延涛, 张晴晴, 阎恩荣
植物生态学报 39 (9), 857, 2015
An integral fitting method for analyzing the isochronal transformation kinetics: Application to the crystallization of a Ti-based amorphous alloy
J Wang, HC Kou, JS Li, XF Gu, H Zhong, H Chang, L Zhou
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 70 (11), 1448-1453, 2009
周丽, 彭绩, 刘军安, 李谨邑, 孙奕
中国公共卫生 21 (8), 930-932, 2005
Intranasal dexmedetomidine premedication reduces the minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane for tracheal intubation in children: a randomized trial
Y Yao, B Qian, Y Chen, L Zhou, J Liu
Journal of clinical anesthesia 26 (4), 309-314, 2014
User interaction templates for the design of lifelogging systems
F Hopfgartner, Y Yang, LM Zhou, C Gurrin
Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems, 187-204, 2013
Kinetic analysis of the isochronal crystallization of Ti40Zr25Ni8Cu9Be18 metallic glass
HC Kou, J Wang, H Chang, B Tang, JS Li, R Hu, L Zhou
Journal of non-crystalline solids 355 (7), 420-424, 2009
Simulation on solidification structure and shrinkage porosity (hole) in TC4 ingot during vacuum arc remelting process
YJ Zhang, HC Kou, PF Li, H Zhong, R Hu, JS Li, L Zhou
Spec. Cast. Nonferrous Alloys 32 (5), 418-421, 2012
Formation of Ti–Zr–Ni–Cu–Be–Nb bulk metallic glasses
JN Mei, JS Li, HC Kou, JL Soubeyroux, HZ Fu, L Zhou
Journal of alloys and compounds 467 (1-2), 235-240, 2009
Effect of mifepristone on the expression of progesterone receptor messenger RNA and protein in uterine leiomyomata
M Sun, G Zhu, L Zhou
Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi 33 (4), 227-231, 1998
Emotion tag based music retrieval algorithm
J Li, H Lin, L Zhou
Information Retrieval Technology: 6th Asia Information Retrieval Societies …, 2010
Turbidity current deposits and their significance for petroleum geology of Upper Triassic in the Kuqa Depression
W Li, L Zhou, J Fu, W Zhao, L Xue, J Jin
Acta Sedimentologica Sinica 15, 20-24, 1997
Source analysis of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in Guangzhou, China: a yearlong observation study
BG Wang, D Zhu, Y Zou, H Wang, L Zhou, X Ouyang, HF Shao, XJ Deng
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 15 (12), 17093-17133, 2015
Effect of reducing 3.2% dietary protein level on the growth performance and immunity of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with supplementation of multi amino acids
LL Zhou, XM Dan, YW Li, XX Li, XL Chen, Y Li, L Gan
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 14 (4), 997-1009, 2015
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Articles 1–20