Arne Roets
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Cited by
Item selection and validation of a brief, 15-item version of the Need for Closure Scale
A Roets, A Van Hiel
Personality and individual differences 50 (1), 90-94, 2011
Rehabilitation of scapular muscle balance: which exercises to prescribe?
AM Cools, V Dewitte, F Lanszweert, D Notebaert, A Roets, B Soetens, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 35 (10), 1744-1751, 2007
Separating ability from need: Clarifying the dimensional structure of the need for closure scale
A Roets, A Van Hiel
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (2), 266-280, 2007
‘Fake news’: Incorrect, but hard to correct. The role of cognitive ability on the impact of false information on social impressions
J De keersmaecker, A Roets
Intelligence 65, 107-110, 2017
Of mice, men, and trolleys: Hypothetical judgment versus real-life behavior in trolley-style moral dilemmas
DH Bostyn, S Sevenhant, A Roets
Psychological science 29 (7), 1084-1093, 2018
The motivated gatekeeper of our minds: New directions in need for closure theory and research
A Roets, AW Kruglanski, M Kossowska, A Pierro, Y Hong
Advances in experimental social psychology 52, 221-283, 2015
Age differences in conservatism: Evidence on the mediating effects of personality and cognitive style
I Cornelis, A Van Hiel, A Roets, M Kossowska
Journal of personality 77 (1), 51-88, 2009
Allport’s prejudiced personality today: Need for closure as the motivated cognitive basis of prejudice
A Roets, A Van Hiel
Current Directions in Psychological Science 20 (6), 349-354, 2011
The intervening role of social worldviews in the relationship between the five‐factor model of personality and social attitudes
A Van Hiel, I Cornelis, A Roets
European Journal of Personality: Published for the European Association of …, 2007
Opening closed minds: The combined effects of intergroup contact and need for closure on prejudice
K Dhont, A Roets, A Van Hiel
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 (4), 514-528, 2011
The closed mind:‘Experience’and ‘cognition’aspects of openness to experience and need for closure as psychological bases for right–wing attitudes
E Onraet, A Van Hiel, A Roets, I Cornelis
European Journal of Personality 25 (3), 184-197, 2011
The relational responding task: Toward a new implicit measure of beliefs
J De Houwer, N Heider, A Spruyt, A Roets, S Hughes
Frontiers in psychology 6, 319, 2015
Is sexism a gender issue? A motivated social cognition perspective on men's and women's sexist attitudes toward own and other gender
A Roets, A Van Hiel, K Dhont
European Journal of Personality 26 (3), 350-359, 2012
Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty
N Breznau, EM Rinke, A Wuttke, HHV Nguyen, M Adem, J Adriaans, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), e2203150119, 2022
Investigating the Robustness of the Illusory Truth Effect Across Individual Differences in Cognitive Ability, Need for Cognitive Closure, and Cognitive Style
J De keersmaecker, DG Rand, C Sanchez, C Unkelbach, A Roets
The role of need for closure in essentialist entitativity beliefs and prejudice: An epistemic needs approach to racial categorization
A Roets, A Van Hiel
British Journal of Social Psychology 50 (1), 52-73, 2011
Registered replication report on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008)
B Verschuere, EH Meijer, A Jim, K Hoogesteyn, R Orthey, RJ McCarthy, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (3), 299-317, 2018
The tyranny of choice: A cross-cultural investigation of maximizing-satisficing effects on well-being
A Roets, B Schwartz, Y Guan
Judgment and Decision making 7 (6), 689-704, 2012
The motivated cognitive basis of transphobia: The roles of right-wing ideologies and gender role beliefs
AP Makwana, K Dhont, J De keersmaecker, P Akhlaghi-Ghaffarokh, ...
Sex Roles 79, 206-217, 2018
The morality of action: The asymmetry between judgments of praise and blame in the action–omission effect
DH Bostyn, A Roets
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 63, 19-25, 2016
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Articles 1–20