Yuanhao Cui
Yuanhao Cui
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
在 sustech.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Integrated Sensing and Communications: Towards Dual-Functional Wireless Networks for 6G and Beyond
F Liu, Y Cui, C Masouros, J Xu, TX Han, YC Eldar, S Buzzi
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 40 (6), 2022
Integrating Sensing and Communications for Ubiquitous IoT: Applications, Trends, and Challenges
Y Cui, F Liu, X Jing, J Mu
IEEE Network 35 (3), 158-167, 2021
On the fundamental tradeoff of integrated sensing and communications under Gaussian channels
Y Xiong, F Liu, Y Cui, W Yuan, TX Han, G Caire
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 69 (9), 5723-5751, 2023
Seventy years of radar and communications: The road from separation to integration
F Liu, L Zheng, Y Cui, C Masouros, AP Petropulu, H Griffiths, YC Eldar
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 40 (5), 106-121, 2023
Integrated sensing and communications: Recent advances and ten open challenges
S Lu, F Liu, Y Li, K Zhang, H Huang, J Zou, X Li, Y Dong, F Dong, J Zhu, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024
Sensing as a service in 6G perceptive networks: A unified framework for ISAC resource allocation
F Dong, F Liu, Y Cui, W Wang, K Han, Z Wang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 22 (5), 3522-3536, 2023
UAV meets integrated sensing and communication: Challenges and future directions
J Mu, R Zhang, Y Cui, N Gao, X Jing
IEEE Communications Magazine 61 (5), 62-67, 2023
Integrated sensing and communication-enabled predictive beamforming with deep learning in vehicular networks
J Mu, Y Gong, F Zhang, Y Cui, F Zheng, X Jing
IEEE Communications Letters 25 (10), 3301-3304, 2021
New delay Doppler communication paradigm in 6G era: A survey of orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS)
W Yuan, S Li, Z Wei, Y Cui, J Jiang, H Zhang, P Fan
China Communications 20 (6), 1-25, 2023
Towards Large-Scale and Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing in COVID-19 Pandemic: A Blockchain Perspective
W Lv, S Wu, C Jiang, Y Cui, X Qiu, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2020
Integrated human activity sensing and communications
X Li, Y Cui, JA Zhang, F Liu, D Zhang, L Hanzo
IEEE Communications Magazine 61 (5), 90-96, 2022
Palm Vein Recognition Scheme Based on an Adaptive Gabor Filter
X Ma, X Jing, H Huang, Y Cui, J Mu
IET Biometrics 6 (5), 325-333, 2017
Polarimetric multipath convolutional neural network for PolSAR image classification
Y Cui, F Liu, L Jiao, Y Guo, X Liang, L Li, S Yang, X Qian
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-18, 2021
Interference Alignment based Spectrum Sharing for MIMO Radar and Communication Systems
Y Cui, V Koivunen, X Jing
2018 IEEE 19th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in …, 2018
CSI-ratio-based doppler frequency estimation in integrated sensing and communications
X Li, JA Zhang, K Wu, Y Cui, X Jing
IEEE sensors journal 22 (21), 20886-20895, 2022
Contrastive learning-based dual dynamic GCN for SAR image scene classification
F Liu, X Qian, L Jiao, X Zhang, L Li, Y Cui
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 35 (1), 390-404, 2022
Flowing the information from Shannon to Fisher: Towards the fundamental tradeoff in ISAC
Y Xiong, F Liu, Y Cui, W Yuan, TX Han
GLOBECOM 2022-2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 5601-5606, 2022
Deep Learning based Primary User Classification in Cognitive Radios
Y Cui, X jun Jing, S Sun, X Wang, D Cheng, H Huang
2015 15th International symposium on communications and information …, 2015
Integrated sensing and communications via 5G NR waveform: Performance analysis
Y Cui, X Jing, J Mu
ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2022
DropConnect Regularization Method with Sparsity Constraint for Neural Networks
Z Lian, X Jing, X Wang, H Huang, Y Tan, Y Cui
Chinese Journal of Electronics 25 (1), 152-158, 2016
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