Mahdi Hashemi
Mahdi Hashemi
Assistant Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, George Mason University
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Cited by
Enlarging smaller images before inputting into convolutional neural network: zero-padding vs. interpolation
M Hashemi
Journal of Big Data 6 (1), 98, 2019
A critical review of real-time map-matching algorithms: Current issues and future directions
M Hashemi, HA Karimi
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 48, 153-165, 2014
A GIS-based earthquake damage assessment and settlement methodology
M Hashemi, AA Alesheikh
Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering 31 (11), 1607-1617, 2011
Web page classification: a survey of perspectives, gaps, and future directions
M Hashemi
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (17), 11921-11945, 2020
A weight-based map-matching algorithm for vehicle navigation in complex urban networks
M Hashemi, HA Karimi
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (6), 573-590, 2016
Emergency evacuation of people with disabilities: A survey of drills, simulations, and accessibility
M Hashemi
Cogent Engineering 5 (1), 1506304, 2018
Detecting and classifying online dark visual propaganda
M Hashemi, M Hall
Image and Vision Computing 89, 95-105, 2019
Weighted machine learning
M Hashemi, H Karimi
Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing 6 (4), 497-525, 2018
GIS: agent-based modeling and evaluation of an earthquake-stricken area with a case study in Tehran, Iran
M Hashemi, AA Alesheikh
Natural hazards 69, 1895-1917, 2013
A machine learning approach to improve the accuracy of GPS-based map-matching algorithms
M Hashemi, HA Karimi
2016 IEEE 17th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration …, 2016
Indoor spatial model and accessibility index for emergency evacuation of people with disabilities
M Hashemi, HA Karimi
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 30 (4), 04015056, 2016
Collaborative personalized multi‐criteria wayfinding for wheelchair users in outdoors
M Hashemi, HA Karimi
Transactions in GIS 21 (4), 782-795, 2017
Reusability of the output of map-matching algorithms across space and time through machine learning
M Hashemi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (11), 3017-3026, 2017
Forecasting Atmospheric Visibility using Auto Regressive Recurrent Neural Network
J Jonnalagadda, M Hashemi
2020 IEEE 21st International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration …, 2020
A spatio-temporal model for probabilistic seismic hazard zonation of Tehran
M Hashemi, AA Alesheikh, MR Zolfaghari
Computers & Geosciences 58, 8-18, 2013
Development and implementation of a GIS-based tool for spatial modeling of seismic vulnerability of Tehran
M Hashemi, AA Alesheikh
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (12), 3659-3670, 2012
Automatic Inference of Road and Pedestrian Networks From Spatial-Temporal Trajectories
M Hashemi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (12), 4604-4620, 2019
A testbed for evaluating network construction algorithms from GPS traces
M Hashemi
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 66, 96-109, 2017
Dynamic, stream-balancing, turn-minimizing, accessible wayfinding for emergency evacuation of people who use a wheelchair
M Hashemi
Fire technology 54 (5), 1195-1217, 2018
Weighted Machine Learning for Spatial-Temporal Data
M Hashemi, HA Karimi
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2020
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Articles 1–20