Grzegorz Zurek
Grzegorz Zurek
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Podstawy manualnego drenażu limfatycznego
M Földi, R Strößenreuther, G Żurek, M Woźniewski
Wydawnictwo Medyczne Urban & Partner, 2010
Biomechanical parameters in lower limbs during natural walking and Nordic walking at different speeds
AK Dziuba, G Żurek, I Garrard, I Wierzbicka-Damska
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 17 (1), 2015
Association of physical fitness with quality of life in community-dwelling older adults aged 80 and over in Poland: a cross-sectional study
E Lepsy, E Radwańska, G Żurek, A Żurek, A Kaczorowska, A Radajewska, ...
BMC geriatrics 21, 1-15, 2021
No relationship between the digit ratios (2D: 4D) and salivary testosterone change: Study on men under an acute exercise
M Kowal, P Sorokowski, A Żelaźniewicz, J Nowak, S Orzechowski, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 10068, 2020
Esports players are less extroverted and conscientious than athletes
M Behnke, MM Stefanczyk, G Żurek, P Sorokowski
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 26 (1), 50-56, 2023
A positive relationship between body height and the testosterone response to physical exercise
M Kowal, P Sorokowski, A Żelaźniewicz, J Nowak, S Orzechowski, ...
Evolution and Human Behavior 42 (3), 179-185, 2021
The relationship between the level of physical activity, independence in daily activities, and life quality and satisfaction in women over 80 living in rural areas-a pilot study
G Żurek, E Lepsy, A Żurek, A Radajewska, K Ptaszkowski, ...
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny 71 (2), 2020
Effects of dominance and sprint interval exercise on testosterone and cortisol levels in strength-, endurance-, and non-training men
G Zurek, N Danek, A Żurek, J Nowak-Kornicka, A Żelaźniewicz, ...
Biology 11 (7), 961, 2022
Rozwój funkcjonalny dzieci i młodzieży z legnicko-głogowskiego okręgu miedziowego w ujęciu wieku morfologicznego
Z Ignasiak, T Sławińska, J Domaradzki, J Fugiel, I Krynicka-Pieleszek, ...
Studia i Monografie, Wrocław, AWF 85, 2007
The impact of changing the funding model for genetic diagnostics and improved access to personalized medicine in oncology
A Mela, E Rdzanek, A Tysarowski, M Sakowicz, J Jaroszyński, ...
Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research 23 (1), 43-54, 2023
Executive function level in cadets’ shooting performance
D Jamro, G Zurek, M Dulnik, M Lachowicz, D Lenart
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (10), 6007, 2022
Is self-efficacy related to the quality of life in elite athletes after spinal cord injury?
A Goraczko, A Zurek, M Lachowicz, K Kujawa, G Zurek
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (20), 10866, 2021
Omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of spinal cord injury: untapped potential for therapeutic intervention?
P Turczyn, P Wojdasiewicz, ŁA Poniatowski, D Purrahman, M Maślińska, ...
Molecular Biology Reports 49 (11), 10797-10809, 2022
Influence of physical fitness and attention level on academic achievements of female and male military academy cadets in poland
D Jamro, G Zurek, M Lachowicz, D Lenart
Healthcare 9 (10), 1261, 2021
Quality of life after spinal cord injury: a multiple case study examination of elite athletes
A Goraczko, G Zurek, M Lachowicz, K Kujawa, W Blach, A Zurek
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (20), 7437, 2020
Alternating attention and physical fitness in relation to the level of combat training
D Jamro, G Zurek, M Lachowicz, D Lenart, M Dulnik
Healthcare 10 (2), 241, 2022
Poziom otłuszczenia u kobiet starszych–słuchaczek Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku aktywnych i nieaktywnych ruchowo
Z Ignasiak, G Dąbrowska, G Żurek
Antropomotoryka 37, 67-73, 2007
Thermovision techniques for evaluation of the effect of hippotherapy on changes in lower limb temperature in children with cerebral palsy (CP)-a pilot study
AK Dziuba, K Dudek, K Kobel-Buys, G Żurek, E Smajda
Physiotherapy Quarterly 21 (1), 21, 2013
Changes in concentration performance and alternating attention after short-term virtual reality training in E-athletes: A pilot study
M Lachowicz, A Żurek, D Jamro, A Serweta-Pawlik, G Żurek
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 8904, 2024
Ocena postawy ciała zawodników uprawiających judo w świetle metody fotogrametrycznej z wykorzystaniem zjawiska Moire’a
G Żurek, W Błach, Z Ignasiak, J Migasiewicz
Medycyna sportowa 4, 303-307, 2005
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