Xin (Sunny) Wang
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Cited by
Composite pulses for robust universal control of singlet–triplet qubits
X Wang, LS Bishop, JP Kestner, E Barnes, K Sun, SD Sarma
Nature communications 3, 997, 2012
Robust quantum gates for singlet-triplet spin qubits using composite pulses
X Wang, LS Bishop, E Barnes, JP Kestner, SD Sarma
Physical Review A 89 (2), 022310, 2014
Plug-and-play approach to nonadiabatic geometric quantum gates
BJ Liu, XK Song, ZY Xue, X Wang, MH Yung
Physical Review Letters 123 (10), 100501, 2019
When does reinforcement learning stand out in quantum control? A comparative study on state preparation
XM Zhang, Z Wei, R Asad, XC Yang, X Wang
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 1-7, 2019
Covalency, double-counting, and the metal-insulator phase diagram in transition metal oxides
X Wang, MJ Han, L de'Medici, H Park, CA Marianetti, AJ Millis
Physical Review B 86 (19), 195136, 2012
Dynamical mean-field theory of nickelate superlattices
MJ Han, X Wang, CA Marianetti, AJ Millis
Physical review letters 107 (20), 206804, 2011
Noise-resistant control for a spin qubit array
JP Kestner, X Wang, LS Bishop, E Barnes, SD Sarma
Physical Review Letters 110 (14), 140502, 2013
Local order and the gapped phase of the Hubbard model: A plaquette dynamical mean-field investigation
E Gull, P Werner, X Wang, M Troyer, AJ Millis
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 84, 37009, 2008
Antiferromagnetism and the gap of a Mott insulator: Results from analytic continuation of the self-energy
X Wang, E Gull, L de’Medici, M Capone, AJ Millis
Physical Review B 80 (4), 045101, 2009
Generic Hubbard model description of semiconductor quantum-dot spin qubits
S Yang, X Wang, SD Sarma
Physical Review B 83 (16), 161301, 2011
Generalizable control for quantum parameter estimation through reinforcement learning
H Xu, J Li, L Liu, Y Wang, H Yuan, X Wang
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 1-8, 2019
Electronic correlation in nanoscale junctions: Comparison of the GW approximation to a numerically exact solution of the single-impurity Anderson model
X Wang, CD Spataru, MS Hybertsen, AJ Millis
Physical Review B 77 (4), 045119, 2008
Automatic spin-chain learning to explore the quantum speed limit
XM Zhang, ZW Cui, X Wang, MH Yung
Physical Review A 97 (5), 052333, 2018
Correlation strength, gaps, and particle-hole asymmetry in high- cuprates: A dynamical mean field study of the three-band copper-oxide model
L de’Medici, X Wang, M Capone, AJ Millis
Physical Review B 80 (5), 054501, 2009
Hubbard model description of silicon spin qubits: Charge stability diagram and tunnel coupling in Si double quantum dots
SD Sarma, X Wang, S Yang
Physical Review B 83 (23), 235314, 2011
Neural-network-designed pulse sequences for robust control of singlet-triplet qubits
XC Yang, MH Yung, X Wang
Physical Review A 97 (4), 042324, 2018
Robust quantum control using smooth pulses and topological winding
E Barnes, X Wang, SD Sarma
Scientific reports 5, 12685, 2015
Quantum theory of the charge-stability diagram of semiconductor double-quantum-dot systems
X Wang, S Yang, SD Sarma
Physical Review B 84 (11), 115301, 2011
Randomized benchmarking of barrier versus tilt control of a singlet-triplet qubit
C Zhang, RE Throckmorton, XC Yang, X Wang, E Barnes, SD Sarma
Physical Review Letters 118 (21), 216802, 2017
Dynamically corrected gates for an exchange-only qubit
GT Hickman, X Wang, JP Kestner, SD Sarma
Physical Review B 88 (16), 161303, 2013
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Articles 1–20