Unmesh U. Patil
Unmesh U. Patil
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Deep learning based stair detection and statistical image filtering for autonomous stair climbing
U Patil, A Gujarathi, A Kulkarni, A Jain, L Malke, R Tekade, K Paigwar, ...
2019 Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 159-166, 2019
Deep learning-based stair segmentation and behavioral cloning for autonomous stair climbing
N Panchi, K Agrawal, U Patil, A Gujarathi, A Jain, H Namdeo, ...
International Journal of Semantic Computing 13 (04), 497-512, 2019
Design and Development of Autonomous Delivery Robot
A Gujarathi, A Kulkarni, U Patil, Y Phalak, R Deotalu, A Jain, N Panchi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.09229, 2021
Real-time Collision Risk Estimation based on Stochastic Reachability Spaces
U Patil, A Renzaglia, A Paigwar, C Laugier
International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Dec 2021, 6, 2021
A thermodynamic model to predict the minimum energy required for engulfment of linearly aggregated spherical nanoparticles by tubular vesicles
U Patil, C Ravikumar
Materialia 27, 101663, 2023
OLSAC: Open-Source Library for Swarm Algorithms and Communication
H Zade, M Bhoyar, M Sarode, N Marne, U Patil, A Kamat, V Ranade
Advances in Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICAME 2020, 769-775, 2020
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