Hainan Chen
Transfer learning and deep convolutional neural networks for safety guardrail detection in 2D images
Z Kolar, H Chen, X Luo
Automation in Construction 89, 58-70, 2018
An energy-efficient SDN based sleep scheduling algorithm for WSNs
Y Wang, H Chen, X Wu, L Shu
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 59, 39-45, 2016
An automatic literature knowledge graph and reasoning network modeling framework based on ontology and natural language processing
H Chen, X Luo
Advanced Engineering Informatics 42, 100959, 2019
A Kalman filter-based bottom-up approach for household short-term load forecast
Z Zheng, H Chen, X Luo
Applied Energy 250, 882-894, 2019
A supervised event-based non-intrusive load monitoring for non-linear appliances
Z Zheng, H Chen, X Luo
Sustainability 10 (4), 1001, 2018
A small samples training framework for deep Learning-based automatic information extraction: Case study of construction accident news reports analysis
D Feng, H Chen
Advanced Engineering Informatics 47, 101256, 2021
A proactive workers' safety risk evaluation framework based on position and posture data fusion
H Chen, X Luo, Z Zheng, J Ke
Automation in Construction 98, 275-288, 2019
Spatial granularity analysis on electricity consumption prediction using LSTM recurrent neural network
Z Zheng, H Chen, X Luo
Energy Procedia 158, 2713-2718, 2019
Severity prediction models of falling risk for workers at height
H Chen, X Luo
Procedia Engineering 164, 439-445, 2016
Collecting building occupancy data of high resolution based on WiFi and BLE network
J Chen, H Chen, X Luo
Automation in Construction 102, 183-194, 2019
BIM-based optimization of camera placement for indoor construction monitoring considering the construction schedule
X Chen, Y Zhu, H Chen, Y Ouyang, X Luo, X Wu
Automation in Construction 130, 103825, 2021
BP neural network based continuous objects distribution detection in WSNs
X Wu, H Chen, Y Wang, L Shu, G Liu
Wireless Networks 22, 1917-1929, 2016
An optimal slicing strategy for SDN based smart home network
S Wang, X Wu, H Chen, Y Wang, D Li
2014 International conference on smart computing, 118-122, 2014
A survey on sensor deployment in underwater sensor networks
D Zeng, X Wu, Y Wang, H Chen, K Liang, L Shu
Advances in Wireless Sensor Networks: 7th China Conference, CWSN 2013 …, 2014
Exploring the quantitative impact of localization accuracy on localization-based safety monitoring’s performance on a construction jobsite
H Chen, X Luo
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 33 (6), 04019035, 2019
Fusion model for hazard association network development: A case in elevator installation and maintenance
PC Liao, H Chen, X Luo
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 23, 1451-1465, 2019
A Novel Multi-Module Separated Linear UWSNs Sensor Node
Chen, H., Y Wu, X., Liu, G.,Wang
Sensors Journal, IEEE, 2015
A worker posture coding scheme to link automatic and manual coding
H Chen, X Luo, Z Zhu
Automation in Construction 125, 103630, 2021
Multisource fusion framework for environment learning–free indoor localization
H Chen, X Luo, J Ke
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 32 (5), 04018040, 2018
An intrusion detection method for wireless sensor network based on mathematical morphology
Y Wang, X Wu, H Chen
Security and Communication Networks 9 (15), 2744-2751, 2016
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