Lilia Kurmanaeva
Lilia Kurmanaeva
PostDoc at Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, UC Davis
在 ucdavis.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Deforming nanoporous metal: Role of lattice coherency
HJ Jin, L Kurmanaeva, J Schmauch, H Rösner, Y Ivanisenko, ...
Acta Materialia 57 (9), 2665-2672, 2009
Deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline palladium at large strains
Y Ivanisenko, L Kurmanaeva, J Weissmueller, K Yang, J Markmann, ...
Acta Materialia 57 (11), 3391-3401, 2009
Phase transitions during high pressure torsion of CuCo alloys
BB Straumal, AR Kilmametov, Y Ivanisenko, L Kurmanaeva, B Baretzky, ...
Materials Letters 118, 111-114, 2014
Phase transitions induced by severe plastic deformation: steady-state and equifinality: Paper presented at “XV International Conference on Electron Microscopy”, 15–18 September …
BB Straumal, AR Kilmametov, Y Ivanisenko, AA Mazilkin, OA Kogtenkova, ...
International Journal of Materials Research 106 (7), 657-664, 2015
New experimental insight into the mechanisms of nanoplasticity
W Skrotzki, A Eschke, B Jóni, T Ungár, LS Toth, Y Ivanisenko, ...
Acta Materialia 61 (19), 7271-7284, 2013
Tensile properties and work hardening behaviors of ultrafine grained carbon steel and pure iron processed by warm high pressure torsion
J Ning, E Courtois-Manara, L Kurmanaeva, AV Ganeev, RZ Valiev, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 581, 8-15, 2013
Strengthening mechanisms and deformation behavior of cryomilled Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy
L Kurmanaeva, TD Topping, H Wen, H Sugahara, H Yang, D Zhang, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 632, 591-603, 2015
Mechanical behaviour and in situ observation of shear bands in ultrafine grained Pd and Pd–Ag alloys
K Yang, Y Ivanisenko, A Caron, A Chuvilin, L Kurmanaeva, T Scherer, ...
Acta materialia 58 (3), 967-978, 2010
Crack Mitigation during Dealloying of Au25Cu75
Y Zhong, J Markmann, HJ Jin, Y Ivanisenko, L Kurmanaeva, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 16 (4), 389-398, 2014
Strain mapping of a triple junction in nanocrystalline Pd
H Rösner, C Kübel, Y Ivanisenko, L Kurmanaeva, SV Divinski, ...
Acta materialia 59 (19), 7380-7387, 2011
Grain refinement and mechanical properties in ultrafine grained Pd and Pd–Ag alloys produced by HPT
L Kurmanaeva, Y Ivanisenko, J Markmann, C Kübel, A Chuvilin, S Doyle, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (7-8), 1776-1783, 2010
Ivanisenko Yu. Tensile properties and work hardening behaviors of ultrafine grained carbon steel and pure iron processed by warm high pressure torsion
N Jiang-Li, E Courtois-Manara, L Kurmanaeva, AV Ganeev, RZ Valiev, ...
Mater. Sci. and Eng. A 581, 81-89, 2013
Influence of layer thickness on mechanical properties of multilayered NiFe samples processed by electrodeposition
L Kurmanaeva, J McCrea, J Jian, J Fiebig, H Wang, AK Mukherjee, ...
Materials & Design 90, 389-395, 2016
SPD-induced changes of structure and magnetic properties in the Cu–Co alloys
BB Straumal, SG Protasova, AA Mazilkin, OA Kogtenkova, L Kurmanaeva, ...
Materials Letters 98, 217-221, 2013
Transformations of Cu (in) supersaturated solid solutions under high-pressure torsion
BB Straumal, AR Kilmametov, AA Mazilkin, L Kurmanaeva, Y Ivanisenko, ...
Materials Letters 138, 255-258, 2015
A comparative analysis of solubility, segregation, and phase formation in atomized and cryomilled Al–Fe alloy powders
BD Saller, T Hu, K Ma, L Kurmanaeva, EJ Lavernia, JM Schoenung
Journal of Materials Science 50, 4683-4697, 2015
On the effect of Ag content on the deformation behavior of ultrafine-grained Pd–Ag alloys
I Choi, R Schwaiger, L Kurmanaeva, O Kraft
Scripta Materialia 61 (1), 64-67, 2009
Grain boundary wetting and premelting in the Cu–Co alloys
BB Straumal, A Korneva, O Kogtenkova, L Kurmanaeva, P Zięba, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 615, S183-S187, 2014
Room temperature mechanical behaviour of a Ni-Fe multilayered material with modulated grain size distribution
L Kurmanaeva, H Bahmanpour, T Holland, J McCrea, JH Lee, J Jian, ...
Philosophical Magazine 94 (31), 3549-3559, 2014
Variation of the deformation mechanisms in a nanocrystalline Pd–10 at.% Au alloy at room and cryogenic temperatures
Y Ivanisenko, ED Tabachnikova, IA Psaruk, SN Smirnov, A Kilmametov, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 60, 40-57, 2014
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