Jie Yin
Jie Yin
Gemological Institute, Advanced Manufacturing Research Institute, China University of Geosciences
在 cug.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Formation and control of martensite in Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by selective laser melting
J Yang, H Yu, J Yin, M Gao, Z Wang, X Zeng
Materials & Design 108, 308-318, 2016
Effect of Zirconium addition on crack, microstructure and mechanical behavior of selective laser melted Al-Cu-Mg alloy
H Zhang, H Zhu, X Nie, J Yin, Z Hu, X Zeng
Scripta Materialia 134, 6-10, 2017
Selective laser melting of Al7050 powder: Melting mode transition and comparison of the characteristics between the keyhole and conduction mode
T Qi, H Zhu, H Zhang, J Yin, L Ke, X Zeng
Materials & Design 135, 257-266, 2017
Role of molten pool mode on formability, microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V alloy
J Yang, J Han, H Yu, J Yin, M Gao, Z Wang, X Zeng
Materials & Design 110, 558-570, 2016
Microstructure prediction of selective laser melting AlSi10Mg using finite element analysis
S Liu, H Zhu, G Peng, J Yin, X Zeng
Materials & Design 142, 319-328, 2018
Simulation of temperature distribution in single metallic powder layer for laser micro-sintering
J Yin, H Zhu, L Ke, W Lei, C Dai, D Zuo
Computational Materials Science 53 (1), 333-339, 2012
Microstructure and mechanical property of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V dependence on laser energy density
J Han, J Yang, H Yu, J Yin, M Gao, Z Wang, X Zeng
Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2017
Correlation between forming quality and spatter dynamics in laser powder bed fusion
J Yin, D Wang, L Yang, H Wei, P Dong, L Ke, G Wang, H Zhu, X Zeng
Additive Manufacturing 31, 100958, 2020
Comparison on mechanical anisotropies of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V alloy and 304 stainless steel
H Yu, J Yang, J Yin, Z Wang, X Zeng
materials science and engineering: a 695, 92-100, 2017
Relationship between pool characteristic and weld porosity in laser arc hybrid welding of AA6082 aluminum alloy
C Zhang, M Gao, D Wang, J Yin, X Zeng
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 240, 217-222, 2017
Effect of overlap rate and pattern on residual stress in selective laser melting
C Chen, J Yin, H Zhu, Z Xiao, L Zhang, X Zeng
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 145, 103433, 2019
A Review of Spatter in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing: In Situ Detection, Generation, Effects, and Countermeasures
Z Li, H Li, J Yin, Y Li, Z Nie, X Li, D You, K Guan, W Duan, L Cao, D Wang, ...
Micromachines 13 (8), 1366, 2022
High-power laser-matter interaction during laser powder bed fusion
J Yin, LL Yang, X Yang, H Zhu, D Wang, L Ke, Z Wang, G Wang, X Zeng
Additive Manufacturing 29, 100778, 2019
A finite element model of thermal evolution in laser micro sintering
J Yin, H Zhu, L Ke, P Hu, C He, H Zhang, X Zeng
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 83 (9), 1847-1859, 2016
Vaporization of alloying elements and explosion behavior during laser powder bed fusion of Cu–10Zn alloy
J Yin, W Zhang, L Ke, H Wei, D Wang, L Yang, H Zhu, P Dong, G Wang, ...
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 161, 103686, 2021
Thermal behavior and grain growth orientation during selective laser melting of Ti-6Al-4V alloy
J Yin, G Peng, C Chen, J Yang, H Zhu, L Ke, Z Wang, D Wang, M Ma, ...
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 260, 57-65, 2018
Compressive performance and fracture mechanism of bio-inspired heterogeneous glass sponge lattice structures manufactured by selective laser melting
M He, Y Li, J Yin, Q Sun, W Xiong, S Li, L Yang, L Hao
Materials & Design 214, 110396, 2022
Dual-beam laser-matter interaction at overlap region during multi-laser powder bed fusion manufacturing
J Yin, D Wang, H Wei, L Yang, L Ke, M Hu, W Xiong, G Wang, H Zhu, ...
Additive Manufacturing 46, 102178, 2021
High-temperature slide wear of Ni-Cr-Si metal silicide based composite coatings on copper substrate by laser-induction hybrid cladding
J Yin, DZ Wang, L Meng, LD Ke, QW Hu, XY Zeng
Surface and Coatings Technology 325, 120-126, 2017
The effect of process parameters on the residual stress of selective laser melted Inconel 718 thin-walled part
C Chen, J Yin, H Zhu, X Zeng, G Wang, L Ke, J Zhu, S Chang
Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2019
文章 1–20