Anuj J. Kapadia
Anuj J. Kapadia
Distinguished R&D Scientist, Section Head, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
在 ornl.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
DukeSim: a realistic, rapid, and scanner-specific simulation framework in computed tomography
E Abadi, B Harrawood, S Sharma, A Kapadia, WP Segars, E Samei
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (6), 1457-1465, 2018
Introduction to neutron stimulated emission computed tomography
CE Floyd, JE Bender, AC Sharma, A Kapadia, J Xia, B Harrawood, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 51 (14), 3375, 2006
Neutron stimulated emission computed tomography for diagnosis of breast cancer
AJ Kapadia, AC Sharma, GD Tourassi, JE Bender, CR Howell, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 55 (1), 501-509, 2008
Modeling “textured” bones in virtual human phantoms
E Abadi, WP Segars, GM Sturgeon, B Harrawood, A Kapadia, E Samei
IEEE transactions on radiation and plasma medical sciences 3 (1), 47-53, 2018
Supermini percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) vs standard PCNL for the management of renal calculi of< 2 cm: a randomised controlled study
RS Guddeti, P Hegde, A Chawla, JJ de la Rosette, MP Laguna Pes, ...
BJU international 126 (2), 273-279, 2020
Breast cancer detection using neutron stimulated emission computed tomography: Prominent elements and dose requirements
JE Bender, AJ Kapadia, AC Sharma, GD Tourassi, BP Harrawood, ...
Medical physics 34 (10), 3866-3871, 2007
A real-time Monte Carlo tool for individualized dose estimations in clinical CT
S Sharma, A Kapadia, W Fu, E Abadi, WP Segars, E Samei
Physics in Medicine & Biology 64 (21), 215020, 2019
Development of a scanner-specific simulation framework for photon-counting computed tomography
E Abadi, B Harrawood, JR Rajagopal, S Sharma, A Kapadia, WP Segars, ...
Biomedical physics & engineering express 5 (5), 055008, 2019
Neutron stimulated emission computed tomography of stable isotopes
CE Floyd Jr, C Howell, BP Harrawood, A Crowell, A Kapadia, R Macri, ...
Medical Imaging 2004: Physics of Medical Imaging 5368, 248-254, 2004
Airways, vasculature, and interstitial tissue: anatomically informed computational modeling of human lungs for virtual clinical trials
E Abadi, GM Sturgeon, G Agasthya, B Harrawood, C Hoeschen, ...
Medical Imaging 2017: Physics of Medical Imaging 10132, 420-426, 2017
Design and implementation of coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging of cancerous and healthy breast tissue samples
MN Lakshmanan, JA Greenberg, E Samei, AJ Kapadia
Journal of Medical Imaging 3 (1), 013505-013505, 2016
Neutron-stimulated emission computed tomography of a multi-element phantom
CE Floyd, AJ Kapadia, JE Bender, AC Sharma, JQ Xia, BP Harrawood, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 53 (9), 2313, 2008
International workshop on next generation gamma-ray source
CR Howell, MW Ahmed, A Afanasev, D Alesini, JRM Annand, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 49 (1), 010502, 2021
Comparison of 12 surrogates to characterize CT radiation risk across a clinical population
F Ria, W Fu, J Hoye, WP Segars, AJ Kapadia, E Samei
European radiology 31, 7022-7030, 2021
Experimental detection of iron overload in liver through neutron stimulated emission spectroscopy
AJ Kapadia, GD Tourassi, AC Sharma, AS Crowell, MR Kiser, CR Howell
Physics in Medicine & Biology 53 (10), 2633, 2008
Neutron stimulated emission computed tomography: a Monte Carlo simulation approach
AC Sharma, BP Harrawood, JE Bender, GD Tourassi, AJ Kapadia
Physics in Medicine & Biology 52 (20), 6117, 2007
X-ray diffraction tomography with limited projection information
Z Zhu, A Katsevich, AJ Kapadia, JA Greenberg, S Pang
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 522, 2018
Optimization of a coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging system for medical imaging
JA Greenberg, MN Lakshmanan, DJ Brady, AJ Kapadia
Medical Imaging 2015: Physics of Medical Imaging 9412, 1325-1330, 2015
Coding and sampling for compressive x-ray diffraction tomography
JA Greenberg, K Krishnamurthy, M Lakshmanan, K MacCabe, S Wolter, ...
Wavelets and Sparsity XV 8858, 315-325, 2013
Patient-informed organ dose estimation in clinical CT: implementation and effective dose assessment in 1048 clinical patients
W Fu, F Ria, WP Segars, KR Choudhury, JM Wilson, AJ Kapadia, E Samei
American Journal of Roentgenology 216 (3), 824-834, 2021
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