Tim C Green
Tim C Green
在 imperial.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Modeling, analysis and testing of autonomous operation of an inverter-based microgrid
N Pogaku, M Prodanovic, TC Green
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 22 (2), 613-625, 2007
Energy harvesting from human and machine motion for wireless electronic devices
PD Mitcheson, EM Yeatman, GK Rao, AS Holmes, TC Green
Proceedings of the IEEE 96 (9), 1457-1486, 2008
Architectures for vibration-driven micropower generators
PD Mitcheson, TC Green, EM Yeatman, AS Holmes
Journal of microelectromechanical systems 13 (3), 429-440, 2004
Energy management in autonomous microgrid using stability-constrained droop control of inverters
E Barklund, N Pogaku, M Prodanovic, C Hernandez-Aramburo, TC Green
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 23 (5), 2346-2352, 2008
MEMS electrostatic micropower generator for low frequency operation
PD Mitcheson, P Miao, BH Stark, EM Yeatman, AS Holmes, TC Green
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 115 (2-3), 523-529, 2004
Fuel consumption minimization of a microgrid
CA Hernandez-Aramburo, TC Green, N Mugniot
IEEE transactions on industry applications 41 (3), 673-681, 2005
Real-world microgrids-an overview
M Barnes, J Kondoh, H Asano, J Oyarzabal, G Ventakaramanan, ...
2007 IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, 1-8, 2007
The alternate arm converter: A new hybrid multilevel converter with DC-fault blocking capability
MMC Merlin, TC Green, PD Mitcheson, DR Trainer, R Critchley, ...
IEEE transactions on power delivery 29 (1), 310-317, 2013
Dynamic Stability of Microgrids with Active Loads
N Bottrell, M Prodanovic, TC Green
Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 28 (11), 5107-5119, 2013
Control of inverter-based micro-grids
TC Green, M Prodanović
Electric power systems research 77 (9), 1204-1213, 2007
Control and filter design of three-phase inverters for high power quality grid connection
M Prodanovic, TC Green
IEEE transactions on Power Electronics 18 (1), 373-380, 2003
High-quality power generation through distributed control of a power park microgrid
M Prodanovic, TC Green
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 53 (5), 1471-1482, 2006
A comparison of high-power converter topologies for the implementation of FACTS controllers
D Soto, TC Green
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 49 (5), 1072-1080, 2002
High-frequency operation of a DC/AC/DC system for HVDC applications
T Lüth, MMC Merlin, TC Green, F Hassan, CD Barker
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (8), 4107-4115, 2013
The Costs and Impacts of Intermittency: An assessment of the evidence on the costs and impacts of intermittent generation on the British electricity network
R Gross, P Heptonstall, D Anderson, T Green, M Leach, J Skea
Imperial College London: UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC). www. ukerc. ac …, 2006
Communication infrastructures for distributed control of power distribution networks
Q Yang, JA Barria, TC Green
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 7 (2), 316-327, 2011
Revisiting grid-forming and grid-following inverters: A duality theory
Y Li, Y Gu, TC Green
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (6), 4541-4554, 2022
Benefits analysis of soft open points for electrical distribution network operation
W Cao, J Wu, N Jenkins, C Wang, T Green
Applied Energy 165, 36-47, 2016
Operating principle of soft open points for electrical distribution network operation
W Cao, J Wu, N Jenkins, C Wang, T Green
Applied Energy 164, 245-257, 2016
A new hybrid multi-level voltage-source converter with DC fault blocking capability
MMC Merlin, TC Green, PD Mitcheson, DR Trainer, DR Critchley, ...
IET Digital Library, 2010
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