Konstantin Savenkov
Konstantin Savenkov
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Scaling discrete-event simulation models. PhD dissertation (Physics and mathematics), Moscow State University, Moscow, 2007 (in Russian)
KO Savenkov
A Methodology for Specification of Processor Behavior for Program Execution Time Estimation
KO Savenkov, NV Youshchenko
Proc. of the All-Russian Conference on Methods and Tools of Information …, 2003
DYANA: an integrated development environment for simulation and verification of real-time avionics systems
VA Antonenko, EV Chemeritsky, AB Glonina, IV Konnov, VN Pashkov, ...
European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), Munich, 2013
Использование зависимостей при масштабировании имитационных моделей
КО Савенков
Методы и средства обработки информации. Труды второй Всероссийской научной …, 2005
Scaling down discrete-event simulation models
KO Savenkov, RL Smeliansky
Programming and Computer Software 32, 308-316, 2006
‘DYANA: HLA-based distributed real-time embedded systems simulation tool
VA Antonenko, EV Chemeritskiy, AB Glonina, IV Konnov, VN Pashkov, ...
Proc. 2013 Winter Simulation Conf., Simulation: Making Decisions in a …, 2013
Методика использования системы имитационного моделирования РВС РВ Диана, основанной на HLA
ДЮ Волканов, ВА Антоненко, АВ Герасев, АБ Глонина, ВА Захаров, ...
Матер. конф.«Имитационное моделирование. Теория и практика» ИММОД–2013 …, 2013
Towards a real-time simulation environment on the edge of current trends
E Chemeritskiy, K Savenkov
Proceedings of the Spring/Summer Young Researchers’ Colloquium on Software …, 2011
Efficient and save non-cooperative algorithm for moving along the given route in city traffic
K Savenkov, G Telegin
FISITA 2010 World Automotive Congress. Budapest: FISITA, 2010
Инструментальная поддержка процесса разработки ПО для спецвычислителей на основе процессора Л1879ВМ1
АГ Бахмуров, ЭГ Егисапетов, ОВ Новиков, ВВ Прус, КО Савенков, ...
Труды второй Всероссийской научной конференции.-М.: Издательский отдел …, 2005
Scenario-based approach to backtesting trading systems
K Savenkov, D Zhbankov
International Journal of Economic Research 8 (2), 245-258, 2011
Formalization and enforcement of requirements to modular discrete-event simulation runtime
EV Chemeritskiy, KO Savenkov
Proceedings of the Spring/Summer Young Researchers’ Colloquium on Software …, 2010
R. Pasupathy, S.-H. Kim, A. Tolk, R. Hill, and ME Kuhl, eds.
VA Antonenko, IV Konnov, EV Chemeritskiy, AB Glonina, VNP Vienna, ...
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