Song Dawei
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Cited by
Aspect-based sentiment classification with aspect-specific graph convolutional networks
C Zhang, Q Li, D Song
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.03477, 2019
Exploring EEG features in cross-subject emotion recognition
X Li, D Song, P Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Hou, B Hu
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 162, 2018
A survey of controllable text generation using transformer-based pre-trained language models
H Zhang, H Song, S Li, M Zhou, D Song
ACM Computing Surveys 56 (3), 1-37, 2023
Emotion recognition from multi-channel EEG data through convolutional recurrent neural network
X Li, D Song, P Zhang, G Yu, Y Hou, B Hu
2016 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM …, 2016
EEG based emotion recognition: A tutorial and review
X Li, Y Zhang, P Tiwari, D Song, B Hu, M Yang, Z Zhao, N Kumar, ...
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (4), 1-57, 2022
Query expansion using term relationships in language models for information retrieval
J Bai, D Song, P Bruza, JY Nie, G Cao
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2005
Toward a fuzzy domain ontology extraction method for adaptive e-learning
RYK Lau, D Song, Y Li, TCH Cheung, JX Hao
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 21 (6), 800-813, 2008
A tensorized transformer for language modeling
X Ma, P Zhang, S Zhang, N Duan, Y Hou, M Zhou, D Song
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
A multi-task learning framework for opinion triplet extraction
C Zhang, Q Li, D Song, B Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.01512, 2020
Towards context sensitive information inference
D Song, PD Bruza
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54 (4 …, 2003
Comparing dissimilarity measures for content-based image retrieval
H Liu, D Song, S Rüger, R Hu, V Uren
Information Retrieval Technology: 4th Asia Infomation Retrieval Symposium …, 2008
A quantum-inspired multimodal sentiment analysis framework
Y Zhang, D Song, P Zhang, P Wang, J Li, X Li, B Wang
Theoretical Computer Science 752, 21-40, 2018
A quantum-like multimodal network framework for modeling interaction dynamics in multiparty conversational sentiment analysis
Y Zhang, D Song, X Li, P Zhang, P Wang, L Rong, G Yu, B Wang
Information Fusion 62, 14-31, 2020
Complete sequencing and comparative analyses of the pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plastome revealed high frequency of tandem repeats and large insertion …
YD Jo, J Park, J Kim, W Song, CG Hur, YH Lee, BC Kang
Plant cell reports 30, 217-229, 2011
End-to-end quantum-like language models with application to question answering
P Zhang, J Niu, Z Su, B Wang, L Ma, D Song
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Concept-based document readability in domain specific information retrieval
X Yan, D Song, X Li
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2006
EEG based emotion identification using unsupervised deep feature learning
X Li, P Zhang, D Song, G Yu, Y Hou, B Hu
Learning interaction dynamics with an interactive LSTM for conversational sentiment analysis
Y Zhang, P Tiwari, D Song, X Mao, P Wang, X Li, HM Pandey
Neural Networks 133, 40-56, 2021
User-adaptive sketch-based 3-D CAD model retrieval
YJ Liu, X Luo, A Joneja, CX Ma, XL Fu, D Song
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 10 (3), 783-795, 2013
What makes the difference? An empirical comparison of fusion strategies for multimodal language analysis
D Gkoumas, Q Li, C Lioma, Y Yu, D Song
Information Fusion 66, 184-197, 2021
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Articles 1–20