Mohamed Meselhy Eltoukhy
Mohamed Meselhy Eltoukhy
University of Jeddah & Computer Science, Suez Canal University, Egypt
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Cited by
The use of artificial neural network (ANN) for modeling of COD removal from antibiotic aqueous solution by the Fenton process
ES Elmolla, M Chaudhuri, MM Eltoukhy
Journal of hazardous materials 179 (1-3), 127-134, 2010
A statistical based feature extraction method for breast cancer diagnosis in digital mammogram using multiresolution representation
MM Eltoukhy, I Faye, BB Samir
Computers in biology and medicine 42 (1), 123-128, 2012
Machine learning and deep learning methods for skin lesion classification and diagnosis: a systematic review
MA Kassem, KM Hosny, R Damaševičius, MM Eltoukhy
Diagnostics 11 (8), 1390, 2021
A comparison of wavelet and curvelet for breast cancer diagnosis in digital mammogram
MM Eltoukhy, I Faye, BB Samir
Computers in Biology and Medicine 40 (4), 384-391, 2010
Breast cancer diagnosis in digital mammogram using multiscale curvelet transform
MM Eltoukhy, I Faye, BB Samir
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 34 (4), 269-276, 2010
A grey wolf-based method for mammographic mass classification
M Tahoun, AA Almazroi, MA Alqarni, T Gaber, EE Mahmoud, MM Eltoukhy
Applied Sciences 10 (23), 8422, 2020
Digital mammograms classification using a wavelet based feature extraction method
I Faye, BB Samir, MM Eltoukhy
2009 Second International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering …, 2009
Curvelet based feature extraction method for breast cancer diagnosis in digital mammogram
MM Eltoukhy, I Faye, BB Samir
2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, 1-5, 2010
An optimized feature selection method for breast cancer diagnosis in digital mammogram using multiresolution representation
MM Eltoukhy, I Faye
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 8 (6), 2921-2928, 2014
Computer aided detection of mammographic mass using exact Gaussian–Hermite moments
MM Eltoukhy, M Elhoseny, KM Hosny, AK Singh
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-9, 2024
Novel multi-channel fractional-order radial harmonic Fourier moments for color image analysis
KM Hosny, MM Darwish, MM Eltoukhy
IEEE Access 8, 40732-40743, 2020
Using curvelet transform to detect breast cancer in digital mammogram
MMM Eltoukhy, I Faye, BB Samir
2009 5th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications …, 2009
Analysis of mammogram images based on texture features of curvelet Sub-bands
SJS Gardezi, I Faye, MM Eltoukhy
Fifth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2013 …, 2014
Implicit authentication method for smartphone users based on rank aggregation and random forest
MWA El-Soud, T Gaber, F AlFayez, MM Eltoukhy
Alexandria Engineering Journal 60 (1), 273-283, 2021
Mental task motor imagery classifications for noninvasive brain computer interface
MZ Yusoff, N Kamel, A Malik, M Meselhy
2014 5th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS …, 2014
An adaptive threshold method for mass detection in mammographic images
MM Eltoukhy, I Faye
2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2013
New fractional-order shifted Gegenbauer moments for image analysis and recognition
KM Hosny, MM Darwish, MM Eltoukhy
Journal of Advanced Research 25, 57-66, 2020
Unleash multifunctional role of long noncoding RNAs biomarker panel in breast cancer: A predictor classification model
EA Toraih, A El-Wazir, EA Ageeli, MH Hussein, MM Eltoukhy, ...
Epigenomics 12 (14), 1215-1237, 2020
Classification of multiclass histopathological breast images using residual deep learning
MM Eltoukhy, KM Hosny, MA Kassem
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 9086060, 2022
Segmentation of pectoral muscle using the adaptive gamma corrections
SJ Safdar Gardezi, F Adjed, I Faye, N Kamel, MM Eltoukhy
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 3919-3940, 2018
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Articles 1–20