Simone Tassani
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Cited by
An estimation of the number of cells in the human body
E Bianconi, A Piovesan, F Facchin, A Beraudi, R Casadei, F Frabetti, ...
Annals of human biology 40 (6), 463-471, 2013
Micro–computed tomography study of oval-shaped canals prepared with the Self-adjusting File, Reciproc, WaveOne, and Protaper Universal systems
MA Versiani, GB Leoni, L Steier, G De-Deus, S Tassani, JD Pécora, ...
Journal of Endodontics 39 (8), 1060-1066, 2013
Mechanical testing of cancellous bone from the femoral head: experimental errors due to off-axis measurements
C Öhman, M Baleani, E Perilli, E Dall’Ara, S Tassani, F Baruffaldi, ...
Journal of biomechanics 40 (11), 2426-2433, 2007
Volume to density relation in adult human bone tissue
S Tassani, C Öhman, F Baruffaldi, M Baleani, M Viceconti
Journal of biomechanics 44 (1), 103-108, 2011
Anisotropy and inhomogeneity of the trabecular structure can describe the mechanical strength of osteoarthritic cancellous bone
S Tassani, C Öhman, M Baleani, F Baruffaldi, M Viceconti
Journal of biomechanics 43 (6), 1160-1166, 2010
Influence of segmentation on micro‐CT images of trabecular bone
S Tassani, V Korfiatis, GK Matsopoulos
Journal of microscopy 256 (2), 75-81, 2014
In-ear accelerometer-based sensor for gait classification
CP Burgos, L Gärtner, MAG Ballester, J Noailly, F Stöcker, M Schönfelder, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (21), 12895-12902, 2020
3D patient-specific finite element models of the proximal femur based on DXA towards the classification of fracture and non-fracture cases
CR Wills, AL Olivares, S Tassani, M Ceresa, V Zimmer, MAG Ballester, ...
Bone 121, 89-99, 2019
The micro-structure of bone trabecular fracture: an inter-site study
S Tassani, GK Matsopoulos
Bone 60, 78-86, 2014
3D identification of trabecular bone fracture zone using an automatic image registration scheme: A validation study
S Tassani, GK Matsopoulos, F Baruffaldi
Journal of biomechanics 45 (11), 2035-2040, 2012
A new ensemble classification system for fracture zone prediction using imbalanced micro-CT bone morphometrical data
VC Korfiatis, S Tassani, GK Matsopoulos
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 22 (4), 1189-1196, 2017
Dependence of trabecular structure on bone quantity: a comparison between osteoarthritic and non-pathological bone
S Tassani, F Particelli, E Perilli, F Traina, F Baruffaldi, M Viceconti
Clinical Biomechanics 26 (6), 632-639, 2011
On local micro-architecture analysis of trabecular bone in three dimensions
S Tassani, E Perilli
International orthopaedics 37, 1645-1646, 2013
Muscular tension significantly affects stability in standing posture
S Tassani, JM Font-Llagunes, MÁG Ballester, J Noailly
Gait & Posture 68, 220-226, 2019
An independent active contours segmentation framework for bone micro-CT images
VC Korfiatis, S Tassani, GK Matsopoulos
Computers in Biology and Medicine 87, 358-370, 2017
Round or rectangular tables for collaborative problem solving? A multimodal learning analytics study
M Vujovic, D Hernández‐Leo, S Tassani, D Spikol
British Journal of Educational Technology 51 (5), 1597-1614, 2020
Effects of visual and auditory feedback in violin and singing voice pitch matching tasks
AD Blanco, S Tassani, R Ramirez
Frontiers in psychology 12, 684693, 2021
A machine learning approach to violin bow technique classification: a comparison between imu and mocap systems
D Dalmazzo, S Tassani, R Ramírez
Proceedings of the 5th international Workshop on Sensor-based Activity …, 2018
Real-time sound and motion feedback for violin bow technique learning: a controlled, randomized trial
AD Blanco, S Tassani, R Ramirez
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 648479, 2021
Personal Digital Assistant in an orthopaedic wireless ward: The HandHealth project
S Tassani, F Baruffaldi, D Testi, C Cacciari, S Accarisi, M Viceconti
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 86 (1), 21-29, 2007
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Articles 1–20