Manuela Girotti
Manuela Girotti
Assistant Professor at Emory University
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Neural networks efficiently learn low-dimensional representations with sgd
A Mousavi-Hosseini, S Park, M Girotti, I Mitliagkas, MA Erdogdu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.14863, 2022
Rigorous asymptotics of a KdV soliton gas
M Girotti, T Grava, R Jenkins, KDTR McLaughlin
Communications in Mathematical Physics 384, 733-784, 2021
Soliton versus the gas: Fredholm determinants, analysis, and the rapid oscillations behind the kinetic equation
M Girotti, T Grava, R Jenkins, KTR McLaughlin, A Minakov
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 76 (11), 3233-3299, 2023
Large gap asymptotics at the hard edge for product random matrices and Muttalib–Borodin ensembles
T Claeys, M Girotti, D Stivigny
International Mathematics Research Notices 2019 (9), 2800-2847, 2019
Fredholm determinant solutions of the Painlevé II hierarchy and gap probabilities of determinantal point processes
M Cafasso, T Claeys, M Girotti
International Mathematics Research Notices 2021 (4), 2437-2478, 2021
A study of condition numbers for first-order optimization
C Guille-Escuret, M Girotti, B Goujaud, I Mitliagkas
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1261-1269, 2021
Gap probabilities for the generalized Bessel process: a Riemann-Hilbert approach
M Girotti
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 17, 183-211, 2014
Asymptotics of the tacnode process: a transition between the gap probabilities from the tacnode to the Airy process
M Girotti
Nonlinearity 27 (8), 1937, 2014
Riemann–Hilbert approach to gap probabilities for the Bessel process
M Girotti
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 295, 103-121, 2015
Random matrix theory in a nutshell. Part i: Determinantal point processes
M Girotti
Lecture Notes. https://mathemanu. github. io/Notes_DPP. pdf, 2022
Convergence analysis and implicit regularization of feedback alignment for deep linear networks
M Girotti, I Mitliagkas, G Gidel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.10815, 2021
Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem for random sets of solitons of the focusing nonlinear Schr\" odinger equation
M Girotti, T Grava, KD McLaughlin, J Najnudel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.17036, 2024
Random Matrix Theory in a nutshell Part II: Random Matrices
M Girotti
Riemann-Hilbert approach to Gap Probabilities of Determinantal Point Processes
M Girotti
Concordia University, 2014
Time relaxation of a phase-field model with entropy balance
M Girotti
arXiv preprint arXiv:1107.3485, 2011
Random solitons, soliton gasses, and all that
M Girotti, T Grava, B Jenkins, K McLaughlin, A Minakov, J Najnudel
2024 Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting-CANCELLED, 0
Soliton versus the gas: Fredholm determinant, analysis and kinetic equations
M Girotti, T Grava, B Jenkins, K McLaughlin, A Minakov
2023 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2023), 0
Curve flows and soliton equations: the vortex filament case
M Girotti
Notes on Random Matrix Theory
M Girotti
Determinantal point processes and random matrix theory in a nutshell–part III–(Orthogonal Polynomials and Riemann–Hilbert method approach)
M Girotti
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Articles 1–20