Adriana Picoral
Cited by
Cited by
Automated annotation of learner English: An evaluation of software tools
A Picoral, S Staples, R Reppen
International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 7 (1), 17-52, 2021
Citation practices of L2 writers in first-year writing courses: Form, rhetorical function, and connection with pedagogical materials
J Gao, A Picoral, S Staples, L Macdonald
Applied Corpus Linguistics 1 (2), 100005, 2021
The acquisition of preposition+ article contractions in L3 Portuguese among different L1-speaking learners: A variationist approach
A Picoral, AM Carvalho
Languages 5 (4), 45, 2020
Portuguese Language Program Evaluation: Implementation, Results and Follow-up Strategies
B Sommer-Farias, A Carvalho, A Picoral
Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages 28, 1-50, 2020
Multilingual Academic Corpus of Assignments–Writing and Speech
S Staples, A Novikov, A Picoral, B Sommer-Farias
L3 Portuguese by Spanish-English bilinguals: Copula construction use and acquisition in corpus data
A Picoral
The University of Arizona, 2020
Corpus and Repository of Writing
S Staples, B Dilger
Parallels Between Spoken and CMC Language: Do Tweets Reflect Spoken Language Choices?
A Picoral, E Stumpf, L Goulart, IC de Barros, B Sommer-Farias, ML Matte, ...
of the 8th Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and Social …, 2021
A multilingual learner corpus for less commonly taught languages
B Sommer-Farias, A Novikov, A Picoral, M Centanin-Bertho, S Staples
International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 8 (2), 261-282, 2022
Investigating pronominal variation using Twitter data: advantages, challenges, and lessons learned
C Lívio, B Sommer-Farias, E Marchioro Stumpf, L Goulart, A Picoral
American Association for Applied Linguistics, 2021
Variability in citation practices of developing L2 writers in first-year writing courses
J Gao, L Macdonald, Z Wang, A Picoral, S Staples
Poster presented at Corpus Linguistics, Birmingham, UK, 2017
An introduction to CIABATTA: Increasing accessibility to corpus creation for non-experts
L Goulart, S Staples, A Novikov, A Picoral, R Reppen
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 3 (3), 100146, 2024
ANÁLISE DE DADOS LINGUÍSTICOS–Entrevista com Adriana Picoral
A Picoral
Revista Diadorim 24 (1), 32-39, 2022
Directions for Future Use of Using Existing Corpora in the Study of L2 Writing
S Staples, A Picoral, A Novikov, B Sommer-Farias
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Writing, 356-369, 2021
Preface to the 27th Issue of JSLAT
A Picoral, Y Han, S Fernández-Cuenca, SM Muller, EP Karismawati
Integration 27, 2021
Quantitative Language Data Analysis in R
A Picoral
Quantitative Language Data Analysis in R: Regression and Contrasts
A Picoral, 2020
Citation classifiers for academic writing in L2 English: Prediction and explanation for form and function
S Staples, A Picoral
2020 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), 2020
The acquisition of copula structures in L3 Portuguese by English-Spanish bilinguals
A Picoral
2020 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), 2020
Lexical bundles across genres in an L3 learner corpus
BS Farias, A Picoral
2020 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), 2020
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Articles 1–20