Anne White
Anne White
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Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation
T Klinger, T Andreeva, S Bozhenkov, C Brandt, R Burhenn, B Buttenschön, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112004, 2019
Implementation and application of two synthetic diagnostics for validating simulations of core tokamak turbulence
C Holland, AE White, GR McKee, MW Shafer, J Candy, RE Waltz, ...
Physics of Plasmas 16 (5), 052301, 2009
Multi-scale gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak plasmas: enhanced heat loss due to cross-scale coupling of plasma turbulence
NT Howard, C Holland, AE White, M Greenwald, J Candy
Nuclear Fusion 56 (1), 014004, 2015
Hunt for new phenomena using large jet multiplicities and missing transverse momentum with ATLAS in 4.7 fb (-1) of root s= 7 TeV proton-proton collisions
ATLAS collaboration
Measurements of core electron temperature and density fluctuations in DIII-D and comparison to nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations
AE White, L Schmitz, GR McKee, C Holland, WA Peebles, TA Carter, ...
Physics of Plasmas 15 (5), 056116, 2008
Improved profile fitting and quantification of uncertainty in experimental measurements of impurity transport coefficients using Gaussian process regression
MA Chilenski, M Greenwald, Y Marzouk, NT Howard, AE White, JE Rice, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (2), 023012, 2015
20 years of research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
M Greenwald, A Bader, S Baek, M Bakhtiari, H Barnard, W Beck, ...
Physics of Plasmas 21 (11), 110501, 2014
Efficient generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas by radio-frequency heating
YO Kazakov, J Ongena, JC Wright, SJ Wukitch, E Lerche, MJ Mantsinen, ...
Nature Physics 13 (10), 973-978, 2017
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results
EUROfusion MST1 Team
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102015, 2017
L-mode validation studies of gyrokinetic turbulence simulations via multiscale and multifield turbulence measurements on the DIII-D tokamak
TL Rhodes, C Holland, SP Smith, AE White, KH Burrell, J Candy, ...
Nuclear Fusion 51 (6), 063022, 2011
Measurements of the cross-phase angle between density and electron temperature fluctuations and comparison with gyrokinetic simulations
AE White, WA Peebles, TL Rhodes, CH Holland, G Wang, L Schmitz, ...
Physics of Plasmas 17 (5), 056103, 2010
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results
A Kallenbach, J Adamek, L Aho-Mantila, S Äkäslompolo, C Angioni, ...
Nuclear Fusion 51 (9), 094012, 2011
ADX: a high field, high power density, advanced divertor and RF tokamak
B LaBombard, E Marmar, J Irby, JL Terry, R Vieira, G Wallace, DG Whyte, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (5), 053020, 2015
Dependence of the L-to H-mode power threshold on toroidal rotation and the link to edge turbulence dynamics
GR McKee, P Gohil, DJ Schlossberg, JA Boedo, KH Burrell, JS Degrassie, ...
Nuclear fusion 49 (11), 115016, 2009
Observation of edge instability limiting the pedestal growth in tokamak plasmas
A Diallo, JW Hughes, M Greenwald, B LaBombard, E Davis, SG Baek, ...
Physical review letters 112 (11), 115001, 2014
Advances in validating gyrokinetic turbulence models against L-and H-mode plasmas
C Holland, L Schmitz, TL Rhodes, WA Peebles, JC Hillesheim, G Wang, ...
Physics of Plasmas 18 (5), 056113, 2011
Irradiated recycled plastic as a concrete additive for improved chemo-mechanical properties and lower carbon footprint
CE Schaefer, K Kupwade-Patil, M Ortega, C Soriano, O Büyüköztürk, ...
Waste Management 71, 426-439, 2018
A flux-matched gyrokinetic analysis of DIII-D L-mode turbulence
T Görler, AE White, D Told, F Jenko, C Holland, TL Rhodes
Physics of Plasmas 21 (12), 122307, 2014
Non-local heat transport, rotation reversals and up/down impurity density asymmetries in Alcator C-Mod ohmic L-mode plasmas
JE Rice, C Gao, ML Reinke, PH Diamond, NT Howard, HJ Sun, I Cziegler, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (3), 033004, 2013
Structure and motion of edge turbulence in the National Spherical Torus Experiment and Alcator C-Mod
SJ Zweben, RJ Maqueda, JL Terry, T Munsat, JR Myra, D D’Ippolito, ...
Physics of plasmas 13 (5), 056114, 2006
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Articles 1–20