Yongliang Wang
Yongliang Wang
Tsinghua University; China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
在 cumtb.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Generation of human blastocyst-like structures from pluripotent stem cells
MLYY Yong Fan, Zheying Min, Samhan Alsolami, Zhenglai Ma, E. Zhang, Wei Chen ...
Cell Discovery 81 (7), 1-14, 2021
Numerical analysis of the dynamic evolution of mining-induced stresses and fractures in multilayered rock strata using continuum-based discrete element methods
Y Ju, Y Wang, C Su, D Zhang, Z Ren
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 113, 191-210, 2019
Numerical analysis of the effect of natural microcracks on the supercritical CO2 fracturing crack network of shale rock based on bonded particle models
P Peng, Y Ju, Y Wang, S Wang, F Gao
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2017
Adaptive finite element–discrete element analysis for the multistage supercritical CO2 fracturing and microseismic modelling of horizontal wells in tight reservoirs considering …
Y Wang, Y Ju, J Chen, J Song
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 61, 251-269, 2019
Visualization method for stress-field evolution during rapid crack propagation using 3D printing and photoelastic testing techniques
Y Ju, H Xie, X Zhao, L Mao, Z Ren, J Zheng, FP Chiang, Y Wang, F Gao
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 4353, 2018
Numerical analysis of the effects of bedded interfaces on hydraulic fracture propagation in tight multilayered reservoirs considering hydro-mechanical coupling
Y Ju, Y Wang, B Xu, J Chen, Y Yang
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178, 356-375, 2019
Fundamental Theory and Key Mechanical Problems of Shale Oil Gas Effective Extraction
Zhuo Zhuang, Zhanli Liu, Yongliang Wang
Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics 36 (1), 11-25, 2015
Numerical analysis of hydrofracturing behaviors and mechanisms of heterogeneous reservoir glutenite, using the continuumbased discrete element method while considering …
Y Ju, J Chen, Y Wang, F Gao, H Xie
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (5), 3621-3644, 2018
Adaptive finite element analysis for damage detection of non–uniform Euler–Bernoulli beams with multiple cracks based on natural frequencies
Y Wang, Y Ju, Z Zhuang, C Li
Engineering Computations, 1-23, 2018
Stress shadow effects and microseismic events during hydrofracturing of multiple vertical wells in tight reservoirs: A three-dimensional numerical model
Y Ju, Y Li, Y Wang, Y Yang
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 84, 103684, 2020
Finite element analysis for wellbore stability of transversely isotropic rock with hydraulic-mechanical-damage coupling
YL Wang, ZL Liu, HL Yang, Z Zhuang
Science China Technological Sciences 60, 133-145, 2017
Adaptive finite element-discrete element method for numerical analysis of the multistage hydrofracturing of horizontal wells in tight reservoirs considering pre-existing …
Y Ju, Y Wang, J Chen, F Gao, J Wang
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 54, 266-282, 2018
Resolution effect: An error correction model for intrinsic permeability of porous media estimated from lattice boltzmann method
J Fu, J Dong, Y Wang, Y Ju, DRJ Owen, C Li
Transport in Porous Media 132 (3), 627-656, 2020
Adaptive finite element method for eigensolutions of regular second and fourth order Sturm-Liouville problems via the element energy projection technique
S Yuan, K Ye, Y Wang, D Kennedy, F Williams
Engineering Computations, 2017
Adaptive finite element–discrete element analysis for the stress shadow effects and fracture interaction behaviours in three-dimensional multistage hydrofracturing considering …
Y Wang, Y Ju, H Zhang, S Gong, J Song, Y Li, J Chen
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54, 1815-1839, 2021
Adaptive finite elementdiscrete element analysis for microseismic modelling of hydraulic fracture propagation of perforation in horizontal well considering preexisting fractures
Y Wang, Y Ju, Y Yang
Shock and Vibration 2018 (1), 2748408, 2018
New progress in self-adaptive FEMOL analysis of 2D free vibration problems
Si Yuan, Yongliang Wang, Junjie Xu
Engineering Mechanics 31 (1), 15-22, 2014
Numerical analysis of the hydrofracturing behaviours and mechanisms of heterogeneous reservoir rock using the continuum-based discrete element method considering pre-existing …
JC Fengxia Li, Yongming Yang, Xin Fan, Bo Xu, Yang Ju, Yongliang Wang, Yang Li
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 25 (1), 1-19, 2018
庄茁, 柳占立, 王涛, 高岳, 王永辉, 付海峰
科学通报 61 (1), 72-81, 2016
An adaptive FEM for buckling analysis of nonuniform Bernoulli-Euler members via the element energy projection technique
S Yuan, Y Wang, K Ye
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (13), 43-45, 2013
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