Dirk Morr
Dirk Morr
Professor of Physics
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Hidden order in the cuprates
S Chakravarty, RB Laughlin, DK Morr, C Nayak
Physical Review B 63 (9), 094503, 2001
Imaging Cooper pairing of heavy fermions in CeCoIn5
MP Allan, F Massee, DK Morr, J Van Dyke, AW Rost, AP Mackenzie, ...
Nature physics 9 (8), 468-473, 2013
Evidence for dispersing 1D Majorana channels in an iron-based superconductor
Z Wang, JO Rodriguez, L Jiao, S Howard, M Graham, GD Gu, TL Hughes, ...
Science 367 (6473), 104-108, 2020
Novel neutron resonance mode in dx 2-y 2<? format}?>-wave superconductors
I Eremin, DK Morr, AV Chubukov, KH Bennemann, MR Norman
Physical review letters 94 (14), 147001, 2005
The resonance peak in cuprate superconductors
DK Morr, D Pines
Physical review letters 81 (5), 1086, 1998
Atomic-scale interface engineering of Majorana edge modes in a 2D magnet-superconductor hybrid system
A Palacio-Morales, E Mascot, S Cocklin, H Kim, S Rachel, DK Morr, ...
Science Advances 5 (7), eaav6600, 2019
Electronic structure of underdoped cuprates
AV Chubukov, DK Morr
Physics Reports 288 (1-6), 355-387, 1997
Phase transition, longitudinal spin fluctuations, and scaling in a two-layer antiferromagnet
AV Chubukov, DK Morr
Physical Review B 52 (5), 3521, 1995
Differential conductance and quantum interference in Kondo systems
J Figgins, DK Morr
Physical review letters 104 (18), 187202, 2010
Local defect in metallic quantum critical systems
AJ Millis, DK Morr, J Schmalian
Physical Review Letters 87 (16), 167202, 2001
First-order superconducting transition near a ferromagnetic quantum critical point
AV Chubukov, AM Finkel’stein, R Haslinger, DK Morr
Physical review letters 90 (7), 077002, 2003
Quantum Griffiths effects in metallic systems
AJ Millis, DK Morr, J Schmalian
Physical Review B 66 (17), 174433, 2002
Interplay of ferromagnetism and triplet superconductivity in a Josephson junction
PMR Brydon, B Kastening, DK Morr, D Manske
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (10), 104504, 2008
Quantum interference between impurities: Creating novel many-body states in s-wave superconductors
DK Morr, NA Stavropoulos
Physical Review B 67 (2), 020502, 2003
Imaging emergent heavy Dirac fermions of a topological Kondo insulator
H Pirie, Y Liu, A Soumyanarayanan, P Chen, Y He, MM Yee, PFS Rosa, ...
Nature Physics 16 (1), 52-56, 2020
Novel josephson effect in triplet-superconductor–ferromagnet–triplet-superconductor junctions
B Kastening, DK Morr, D Manske, K Bennemann
Physical review letters 96 (4), 047009, 2006
Resonance Peak in : Signature of Spin Triplet Pairing
DK Morr, PF Trautman, MJ Graf
Physical Review Letters 86 (26), 5978, 2001
Fermi surface evolution in underdoped cuprates
AV Cnubukov, DK Morr, KA Shakhnovich
Philosophical Magazine B 74 (5), 563-571, 1996
Quantized charge transport in chiral Majorana edge modes
S Rachel, E Mascot, S Cocklin, M Vojta, DK Morr
Physical Review B 96 (20), 205131, 2017
Magnetic resonance in the spin excitation spectrum of electron-doped cuprate superconductors
JP Ismer, I Eremin, E Rossi, DK Morr
Physical review letters 99 (4), 047005, 2007
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Articles 1–20