Samantha Pittenger
Samantha Pittenger
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The effects of early neglect on cognitive, language, and behavioral functioning in childhood
EG Spratt, SL Friedenberg, CC Swenson, A LaRosa, MD De Bellis, ...
Psychology (Irvine, Calif.) 3 (2), 175, 2012
Applying ecological systems theory to sexual revictimization of youth: A review with implications for research and practice
SL Pittenger, TZ Huit, DJ Hansen
Aggression and violent behavior 26, 35-45, 2016
Disclosing sexual assault within social networks: A mixed‐method investigation
ER Dworkin, SL Pittenger, NE Allen
American journal of community psychology 57 (1-2), 216-228, 2016
Predicting sexual revictimization in childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal examination using ecological systems theory
SL Pittenger, JK Pogue, DJ Hansen
Child maltreatment 23 (2), 137-146, 2018
Child advocacy center based group treatment for child sexual abuse
GS Hubel, C Campbell, T West, S Friedenberg, A Schreier, MF Flood, ...
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 23 (3), 304-325, 2014
Psychological distress and revictimization risk in youth victims of sexual abuse
SL Pittenger, A Schreier, K Meidlinger, JK Pogue, K Theimer, MF Flood, ...
Journal of interpersonal violence 34 (9), 1930-1960, 2019
Patterns of trauma exposure in childhood and adolescence and their associations with behavioral well‐being
CM Connell, SL Pittenger, JM Lang
Journal of Traumatic Stress 31 (4), 518-528, 2018
Treating PTSD in pregnant and postpartum rural women with substance use disorders.
ER Dworkin, L Zambrano-Vazquez, SR Cunningham, SL Pittenger, ...
Journal of Rural Mental Health 41 (2), 136, 2017
Using the research domain criteria framework to track domains of change in comorbid PTSD and SUD.
L Zambrano-Vazquez, HC Levy, EL Belleau, ER Dworkin, ...
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 9 (6), 679, 2017
Rape myth acceptance in sexually assaulted adolescents' school contexts: associations with depressed mood and alcohol use
ER Dworkin, SN Sessarego, SL Pittenger, KM Edwards, VL Banyard
American journal of community psychology 60 (3-4), 516-526, 2017
Telling a trusted adult: Factors associated with the likelihood of disclosing child sexual abuse prior to and during a forensic interview
HM Grandgenett, SL Pittenger, ER Dworkin, DJ Hansen
Child Abuse & Neglect 116, 104193, 2021
Handbook of Child and Adolescent Sexuality: Chapter 12. Epidemiology of Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse
SL Friedenberg, DJ Hansen, MF Flood
Elsevier Inc. Chapters, 2013
Risk and protective factors for alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine use among child welfare-involved youth
SL Pittenger, KE Moore, ER Dworkin, CA Crusto, CM Connell
Children and youth services review 95, 88-94, 2018
Predicting sexual revictimization in childhood and adolescence: A prospective examination using ecological systems theory
SL Pittenger
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016
Effects of community-based wraparound services on child and caregiver outcomes following child protective service involvement
CM Connell, HW Kim, SL Shipe, SL Pittenger, JK Tebes
Child maltreatment 29 (1), 190-201, 2024
Expanding mental health consultation in Early Head Start: Recommendations for supporting home visitors in increasing parental engagement
SL Pittenger, TR Van Dyk, A Schreier, M Haikalis, MF Flood, DJ Hansen
Non-abused siblings of sexually abused youth: Symptom presentation and relationship with victim distress and family functioning [plakat]. Association for Behavioral and …
JK Pogue, A Schreier, T West, SL Pittenger, K Meidlinger, MF Flood, ...
Age 1000, 10.47, 2014
Assessing children’s expectations post sexual abuse: Initial psychometric evaluation of a self-report measure
K Meidlinger, T West, S Pittenger, A Schreier, J Pogue, MF Flood, ...
Poster presented at the 48th Annual Convention of the Association for …, 2014
Powiedzieć zaufanemu dorosłemu–czynniki związane z prawdopodobieństwem ujawnienia przez dziecko doświadczeń wykorzystywania seksualnego przed lub w trakcie formalnego przesłuchania
HM Grandgenetta, SL Pittengerb, ER Dworkin, DJ Hansen
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka 20 (1: Wymiar sprawiedliwości …, 2021
Supporting Home-Visitors Through Mental Health Consultation in an Early Head Start Home-Based Program
S Pittenger, MA Tori Van Dyk, MF Flood, D Hansen
Stress 35, 24, 0
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Articles 1–20