Helene Fung
Helene Fung
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Socioemotional selectivity theory and the regulation of emotion in the second half of life
LL Carstensen, HH Fung, ST Charles
Motivation and emotion 27, 103-123, 2003
Influence of time on social preferences: implications for life-span development.
HH Fung, LL Carstensen, AM Lutz
Psychology and aging 14 (4), 595, 1999
Measuring human perceptions of a large-scale urban region using machine learning
F Zhang, B Zhou, L Liu, Y Liu, HH Fung, H Lin, C Ratti
Landscape and Urban Planning 180, 148-160, 2018
Sending memorable messages to the old: age differences in preferences and memory for advertisements.
HH Fung, LL Carstensen
Journal of personality and social psychology 85 (1), 163, 2003
Age-related patterns in social networks among European Americans and African Americans: Implications for socioemotional selectivity across the life span
HH Fung, LL Carstensen, FR Lang
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 52 (3), 185-206, 2001
The social context of emotional experience.
LL Carstensen, JJ Gross, HH Fung
Springer Publishing Company, 1998
Influence and adjustment goals: sources of cultural differences in ideal affect.
JL Tsai, FF Miao, E Seppala, HH Fung, DY Yeung
Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (6), 1102, 2007
The dynamic goal theory of marital satisfaction
T Li, HH Fung
Review of General Psychology 15 (3), 246-254, 2011
Goals change when life's fragility is primed: Lessons learned from older adults, the September 11 attacks and sars
HH Fung, LL Carstensen
Social cognition 24 (3), 248-278, 2006
Prevalence of dementia in Chinese elderly in Hong Kong
HFK Chiu, LCW Lam, I Chi, T Leung, SW Li, WT Law, DWS Chung, ...
Neurology 50 (4), 1002-1009, 1998
Age differences in social preferences among Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese: the role of perceived time.
HH Fung, P Lai, R Ng
Psychology and aging 16 (2), 351, 2001
Motivational changes in response to blocked goals and foreshortened time: testing alternatives to socioemotional selectivity theory.
HH Fung, LL Carstensen
Psychology and aging 19 (1), 68, 2004
Aging in culture
HH Fung
The Gerontologist 53 (3), 369-377, 2013
Influences of coaches, parents, and peers on the motivational patterns of child and adolescent athletes
DK Chan, C Lonsdale, HH Fung
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 22 (4), 558-568, 2012
Social support and life satisfaction among Hong Kong Chinese older adults: family first?
GTY Yeung, HH Fung
European Journal of Ageing 4, 219-227, 2007
Wanting to maximize the positive and minimize the negative: implications for mixed affective experience in American and Chinese contexts.
T Sims, JL Tsai, D Jiang, Y Wang, HH Fung, X Zhang
Journal of personality and social psychology 109 (2), 292, 2015
Age differences in trust: An investigation across 38 countries
T Li, HH Fung
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2013
Age differences in coping and emotional responses toward SARS: A longitudinal study of Hong Kong Chinese
DYL Yeung, HH Fung
Aging and Mental Health 11 (5), 579-587, 2007
Information and communicative technology use enhances psychological well-being of older adults: the roles of age, social connectedness, and frailty status
Y Fang, AKC Chau, A Wong, HH Fung, J Woo
Aging & mental health 22 (11), 1516-1524, 2018
Age-related positivity enhancement is not universal: older Chinese look away from positive stimuli.
HH Fung, DM Isaacowitz, AY Lu, HA Wadlinger, D Goren, HR Wilson
Psychology and Aging 23 (2), 440, 2008
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