Thomas Bradley
Hollow core NANF with 0.28 dB/km attenuation in the C and L bands
GT Jasion, TD Bradley, K Harrington, H Sakr, Y Chen, EN Fokoua, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th4B. 4, 2020
Hypocycloid-shaped hollow-core photonic crystal fiber Part I: Arc curvature effect on confinement loss
B Debord, M Alharbi, T Bradley, C Fourcade-Dutin, YY Wang, L Vincetti, ...
Optics Express 21 (23), 28597-28608, 2013
0.174 dB/km hollow core double nested antiresonant nodeless fiber (DNANF)
GT Jasion, H Sakr, JR Hayes, SR Sandoghchi, L Hooper, EN Fokoua, ...
2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 1-3, 2022
Hollow core optical fibres with comparable attenuation to silica fibres between 600 and 1100 nm
H Sakr, Y Chen, GT Jasion, TD Bradley, JR Hayes, HCH Mulvad, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1-10, 2020
Antiresonant hollow core fiber with an octave spanning bandwidth for short haul data communications
JR Hayes, SR Sandoghchi, TD Bradley, Z Liu, R Slavík, MA Gouveia, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (3), 437-442, 2017
Hollow-core optical fiber gas lasers (HOFGLAS): a review
AVV Nampoothiri, AM Jones, C Fourcade-Dutin, C Mao, N Dadashzadeh, ...
Optical Materials Express 2 (7), 948-961, 2012
Record low-loss 1.3 dB/km data transmitting antiresonant hollow core fibre
TD Bradley, JR Hayes, Y Chen, GT Jasion, SR Sandoghchi, R Slavík, ...
2018 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2018
Exceptional polarization purity in antiresonant hollow-core optical fibres
A Taranta, E Numkam Fokoua, S Abokhamis Mousavi, JR Hayes, ...
Nature Photonics 14 (8), 504-510, 2020
Design and fabrication of hollow-core photonic crystal fibers for high-power ultrashort pulse transportation and pulse compression
YY Wang, X Peng, M Alharbi, CF Dutin, TD Bradley, F Gérôme, M Mielke, ...
Optics letters 37 (15), 3111-3113, 2012
Hollow core NANFs with five nested tubes and record low loss at 850, 1060, 1300 and 1625nm
H Sakr, TD Bradley, GT Jasion, EN Fokoua, SR Sandoghchi, IA Davidson, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, F3A. 4, 2021
Lamb-Dicke spectroscopy of atoms in a hollow-core photonic crystal fibre
S Okaba, T Takano, F Benabid, T Bradley, L Vincetti, Z Maizelis, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4096, 2014
Multi-kilometer long, longitudinally uniform hollow core photonic bandgap fibers for broadband low latency data transmission
Y Chen, Z Liu, SR Sandoghchi, GT Jasion, TD Bradley, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (1), 104-113, 2016
Kilowatt-average-power single-mode laser light transmission over kilometre-scale hollow-core fibre
HCH Mulvad, S Abokhamis Mousavi, V Zuba, L Xu, H Sakr, TD Bradley, ...
Nature Photonics 16 (6), 448-453, 2022
Hypocycloid-shaped hollow-core photonic crystal fiber Part II: Cladding effect on confinement and bend loss
M Alharbi, T Bradley, B Debord, C Fourcade-Dutin, D Ghosh, L Vincetti, ...
Optics Express 21 (23), 28609-28616, 2013
Antiresonant hollow core fibre with 0.65 dB/km attenuation across the C and L telecommunication bands
TD Bradley, GT Jasion, JR Hayes, Y Chen, L Hooper, H Sakr, M Alonso, ...
45th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2019), 1-4, 2019
High-capacity directly modulated optical transmitter for 2-μm spectral region
Z Liu, Y Chen, Z Li, B Kelly, R Phelan, J O’Carroll, T Bradley, JP Wooler, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (7), 1373-1379, 2015
Hollow-core resonator fiber optic gyroscope using nodeless anti-resonant fiber
GA Sanders, AA Taranta, C Narayanan, E Numkam Fokoua, ...
Optics letters 46 (1), 46-49, 2020
Fabrication of tubular anti-resonant hollow core fibers: modelling, draw dynamics and process optimization
GT Jasion, JR Hayes, NV Wheeler, Y Chen, TD Bradley, DJ Richardson, ...
Optics Express 27 (15), 20567-20582, 2019
Optical properties of low loss (70dB/km) hypocycloid-core kagome hollow core photonic crystal fiber for Rb and Cs based optical applications
TD Bradley, Y Wang, M Alharbi, B Debord, C Fourcade-Dutin, B Beaudou, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 31 (16), 3052-3055, 2013
Hollow-core photonic crystal fibre for high power laser beam delivery
Y Wang, M Alharbi, TD Bradley, C Fourcade-Dutin, B Debord, B Beaudou, ...
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 1 (1), 17-28, 2013
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