Shuo Liu
Shuo Liu
在 seu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Space-time-coding digital metasurfaces
L Zhang, XQ Chen, S Liu, Q Zhang, J Zhao, JY Dai, GD Bai, X Wan, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4334, 2018
Electromagnetic reprogrammable coding-metasurface holograms
L Li, T Jun Cui, W Ji, S Liu, J Ding, X Wan, Y Bo Li, M Jiang, CW Qiu, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 197, 2017
Broadband diffusion of terahertz waves by multi-bit coding metasurfaces
LH Gao, Q Cheng, J Yang, SJ Ma, J Zhao, S Liu, HB Chen, Q He, ...
Light: Science & Applications 4 (9), e324-e324, 2015
Anisotropic coding metamaterials and their powerful manipulation of differently polarized terahertz waves
S Liu, TJ Cui, Q Xu, D Bao, L Du, X Wan, WX Tang, C Ouyang, XY Zhou, ...
Light: Science & Applications 5 (5), e16076-e16076, 2016
Convolution operations on coding metasurface to reach flexible and continuous controls of terahertz beams
S Liu, TJ Cui, L Zhang, Q Xu, Q Wang, X Wan, JQ Gu, WX Tang, ...
Advanced Science 3 (10), 1600156, 2016
Programmable time-domain digital-coding metasurface for non-linear harmonic manipulation and new wireless communication systems
J Zhao, X Yang, JY Dai, Q Cheng, X Li, NH Qi, JC Ke, GD Bai, S Liu, S Jin, ...
National science review 6 (2), 231-238, 2019
Information metamaterials and metasurfaces
TJ Cui, S Liu, L Zhang
Journal of materials chemistry C 5 (15), 3644-3668, 2017
A broadband terahertz absorber using multi-layer stacked bars
S Liu, H Chen, TJ Cui
Applied Physics Letters 106 (15), 2015
An optimizable circuit structure for high-efficiency wireless power transfer
L Chen, S Liu, YC Zhou, TJ Cui
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 60 (1), 339-349, 2011
Information entropy of coding metasurface
TJ Cui, S Liu, LL Li
Light: Science & Applications 5 (11), e16172-e16172, 2016
Broadband amplification of spoof surface plasmon polaritons at microwave frequencies
HC Zhang, S Liu, X Shen, LH Chen, L Li, TJ Cui
Laser & Photonics Reviews 9 (1), 83-90, 2015
Spin-controlled multiple pencil beams and vortex beams with different polarizations generated by Pancharatnam-Berry coding metasurfaces
L Zhang, S Liu, L Li, TJ Cui
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (41), 36447-36455, 2017
Direct transmission of digital message via programmable coding metasurface
TJ Cui, S Liu, GD Bai, Q Ma
Research, 2019
Anomalous refraction and nondiffractive Bessel-beam generation of terahertz waves through transmission-type coding metasurfaces
S Liu, A Noor, LL Du, L Zhang, Q Xu, K Luan, TQ Wang, Z Tian, WX Tang, ...
ACS photonics 3 (10), 1968-1977, 2016
Information metamaterial systems
TJ Cui, L Li, S Liu, Q Ma, L Zhang, X Wan, WX Jiang, Q Cheng
Iscience 23 (8), 2020
Addition theorem for digital coding metamaterials
RY Wu, CB Shi, S Liu, W Wu, TJ Cui
Advanced Optical Materials 6 (5), 1701236, 2018
Concepts, working principles, and applications of coding and programmable metamaterials
S Liu, TJ Cui
Advanced Optical Materials 5 (22), 1700624, 2017
Realization of low scattering for a high-gain Fabry–Perot antenna using coding metasurface
L Zhang, X Wan, S Liu, JY Yin, Q Zhang, HT Wu, TJ Cui
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (7), 3374-3383, 2017
Machinelearning designs of anisotropic digital coding metasurfaces
Q Zhang, C Liu, X Wan, L Zhang, S Liu, Y Yang, TJ Cui
Advanced theory and simulations 2 (2), 1800132, 2019
Non-Hermitian skin effect in a non-Hermitian electrical circuit
S Liu, R Shao, S Ma, L Zhang, O You, H Wu, YJ Xiang, TJ Cui, S Zhang
Research, 2021
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