Nikumani Choudhury
Nikumani Choudhury
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
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Cited by
Security and privacy in fog computing: Challenges
M Mukherjee, R Matam, L Shu, L Maglaras, MA Ferrag, N Choudhury, ...
IEEE Access 5, 19293-19304, 2017
A performance-to-cost analysis of IEEE 802.15. 4 MAC with 802.15. 4e MAC modes
N Choudhury, R Matam, M Mukherjee, J Lloret
IEEE Access 8, 41936-41950, 2020
Beacon synchronization and duty-cycling in IEEE 802.15. 4 cluster-tree networks: A review
N Choudhury, R Matam, M Mukherjee, L Shu
IEEE internet of things journal 5 (3), 1765-1788, 2018
A Survey on the Noncooperative Environment in Smart Nodes‐Based Ad Hoc Networks: Motivations and Solutions
MA Khan, MM Nasralla, MM Umar, Z Iqbal, GU Rehman, MS Sarfraz, ...
Security and Communication Networks 2021 (1), 9921826, 2021
An efficient multilevel probabilistic model for abnormal traffic detection in wireless sensor networks
MA Khan, MM Nasralla, MM Umar, S Khan, N Choudhury
Sensors 22 (2), 410, 2022
LBS: A beacon synchronization scheme with higher schedulability for IEEE 802.15. 4 cluster-tree-based IoT applications
N Choudhury, R Matam, M Mukherjee, J Lloret
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (5), 8883-8896, 2019
NCHR: A nonthreshold-based cluster-head rotation scheme for IEEE 802.15. 4 cluster-tree networks
N Choudhury, R Matam, M Mukherjee, J Lloret, E Kalaimannan
IEEE internet of things journal 8 (1), 168-178, 2020
Performance Evaluation of an IEEE 802.15. 4-Based Thread Network for Efficient Internet of Things Communications in Smart Cities
SBA Khattak, MM Nasralla, H Farman, N Choudhury
Applied Sciences 13 (13), 7745, 2023
Adaptive duty cycling in IEEE 802.15. 4 cluster tree networks using MAC parameters
N Choudhury, R Matam, M Mukherjee, L Shu
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc …, 2017
Distributed beacon scheduling for IEEE 802.15. 4 cluster-tree topology
N Choudhury, R Matam
2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2016
Avabodhaka: A System to Analyse and Facilitate Interactive Learning in an ICT Based System for Large Classroom
N Choudhury, T Venkatesh, S Bhattacharya, S Sarma
Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction …, 2016
A proposed resource-aware time-constrained scheduling mechanism for dsme based iov networks
N Choudhury, MM Nasralla
2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall), 1-7, 2021
A beacon and GTS scheduling scheme for IEEE 802.15. 4 DSME networks
N Choudhury, R Matam, M Mukherjee, J Lloret
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (7), 5162-5172, 2021
Distributed beacon synchronization mechanism for 802.15. 4 cluster-tree topology
N Choudhury, R Matam, M Mukherjee, L Shu
Wireless Internet: 9th International Conference, WICON 2016, Haikou, China …, 2018
Approximating CNN computation for plant disease detection
A Hazarika, P Sistla, V Venkatesh, N Choudhury
2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference …, 2022
A non-threshold-based cluster-head rotation scheme for IEEE 802.15. 4 cluster-tree networks
N Choudhury, R Matam, M Mukherjee, J Lloret
2018 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2018
An ICT-based system to improve the learning experience in a large classroom
N Choudhury, V Tamarapalli, S Bhattacharya
2015 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E …, 2015
Centralized graph based TSCH scheduling for IoT network applications
N Choudhury, MM Nasralla, P Gupta, IU Rehman
2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications …, 2021
Lids: Lightweight dynamic scheduling technique for 6g-enabled massive lora based iot systems
A Kumbam, N Choudhury, MM Nasralla
2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1622-1627, 2022
DADC: A novel duty-cycling scheme for IEEE 802.15. 4 cluster-tree-based IoT applications
N Choudhury, R Matam, M Mukherjee, J Lloret
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 22 (2), 1-26, 2021
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Articles 1–20