Gerald Yong Gao
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Cited by
State ownership and firm innovation in China: An integrated view of institutional and efficiency logics
KZ Zhou, GY Gao, H Zhao
Administrative Science Quarterly 62 (2), 375-404, 2017
Market orientation and performance of export ventures: the process through marketing capabilities and competitive advantages
JY Murray, GY Gao, M Kotabe
Journal of the academy of marketing science 39, 252-269, 2011
A “strategy tripod” perspective on export behaviors: Evidence from domestic and foreign firms based in an emerging economy
GY Gao, JY Murray, M Kotabe, J Lu
Journal of International Business Studies 41 (3), 377-396, 2010
Developing strategic orientation in China: antecedents and consequences of market and innovation orientations
KZ Zhou, GY Gao, Z Yang, N Zhou
Journal of Business Research 58 (8), 1049-1058, 2005
On what should firms focus in transitional economies? A study of the contingent value of strategic orientations in China
GY Gao, KZ Zhou, CKB Yim
International journal of research in marketing 24 (1), 3-15, 2007
How does technological diversity in supplier network drive buyer innovation? Relational process and contingencies
GY Gao, E Xie, KZ Zhou
Journal of Operations Management 36, 165-177, 2015
Assessing measurement invariance of export market orientation: a study of Chinese and non-Chinese firms in China
JY Murray, GY Gao, M Kotabe, N Zhou
Journal of International Marketing 15 (4), 41-62, 2007
The pace of MNEs’ sequential entries: Cumulative entry experience and the dynamic process
GY Gao, Y Pan
Journal of International Business Studies 41, 1572-1580, 2010
Performance of multinational firms’ subsidiaries: Influences of cumulative experience
GY Gao, Y Pan, J Lu, Z Tao
Management International Review 48, 749-768, 2008
Impact of historical conflict on FDI location and performance: Japanese investment in China
GY Gao, DT Wang, Y Che
Crises and Disruptions in International Business: How Multinational …, 2022
Technological capability growth and performance outcome: Foreign versus local firms in China
M Ju, KZ Zhou, GY Gao, J Lu
Journal of International Marketing 21 (2), 1-16, 2013
Market share performance of foreign and domestic brands in China
GY Gao, Y Pan, DK Tse, CK Yim
Journal of International Marketing 14 (2), 32-51, 2006
Reducing distributor opportunism in the export market: Effects of monitoring mechanisms, norm-based information exchange, and market orientation
M Ju, JY Murray, M Kotabe, GY Gao
Journal of world business 46 (4), 487-496, 2011
Foreign market entry timing revisited: Trade-off between market share performance and firm survival
JY Murray, M Ju, GY Gao
Journal of International Marketing 20 (3), 50-64, 2012
Relational governance and control mechanisms of export ventures: an examination across relationship length
M Ju, GY Gao
Journal of International Marketing 25 (2), 72-87, 2017
Impact of competitive position on export propensity and intensity: An empirical study of manufacturing firms in China
H Fung, GY Gao, J Lu, H Mano
Chinese economy 41 (5), 51-67, 2008
Export relational governance and control mechanisms: Substitutable and complementary effects
DL Yang, M Ju, GY Gao
International Marketing Review 32 (6), 627-645, 2015
Concurrent sourcing strategy of multinational firms in China: Drivers and performance implications
M Ju, JY Murray, GY Gao, M Kotabe
Journal of World Business 54 (6), 101015, 2019
Performance implication of exploration and exploitation in foreign markets: the role of marketing capability and operation flexibility
M Ju, GY Gao
International Marketing Review 39 (4), 785-810, 2022
Compliance or resistance: firms' responses to corruption and performance in an emerging economy
X En, Y Li, GY Gao, KZ Zhou
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 12282, 2015
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Articles 1–20