Ludmila Mikhailova
Ludmila Mikhailova
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Joint detection of a given number of reference fragments in a quasi-periodic sequence and its partition into segments containing series of identical fragments
AV Kel’manov, LV Mikhailova
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 46, 165-181, 2006
Polynomial-time solvability of one optimization problem induced by processing and analyzing quasiperiodic ECG and PPG signals
A Kel’manov, S Khamidullin, L Mikhailova, P Ruzankin
International Conference on Optimization and Applications, 88-101, 2019
Modern hydrochemical regime and the impact of pollution on the aquatic ecosystem and fisheries of the Ob basin
LV Mikhailova
Gidrobiologicheskii zhurnal—Journal of Hydrobiology 27 (5), 80-90, 1991
Water ionic composition and mineralization in the Ob River and some its tributaries
LV Mikhailova, VI Uvarova, OA Barkhovich
Water Resour 3, 25-35, 1988
Study of migration and degradation of oil in peat soil of upland bogs in KHMAO under control of biotesting
AA Kudryavtsev, LV Mikhailova, GE Rybina, FV Gordeeva, AM Tsulaiya, ...
Sibirskiy Ekologicheskiy Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Ecology), 761-768, 2012
A posteriori joint detection of reference fragments in a quasi-periodic sequence
AV Kel’manov, LV Mikhailova
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 48, 850-865, 2008
Distribution of macro and microelements in the bottom sediments of Lower Irtysh
LV Mikhailova, AA Chemagin
Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 11 (5), 349-360, 2016
A posteriori joint detection of a recurring tuple of reference fragments in a quasi-periodic sequence
AV Kel’manov, LV Mikhailova, SA Khamidullin
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 48, 2276-2288, 2008
Razrabotka i aprobaciâ normativa soderžaniâ nefti v donnyh otloženiâh poverhnostnyh vodnyh ob''ektov
Vodnye resursy 39 (5), 530-542, 2012
Approximation algorithm for the problem of partitioning a sequence into clusters
AV Kel’manov, LV Mikhailova, SA Khamidullin, VI Khandeev
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 57, 1376-1383, 2017
Simultaneous detection in a quasiperiodic sequence of a given number of fragments from a standard set and its partition into sections that include series of identical fragments
AV Kel'manov, LV Mikhailova
Sibirskii Zhurnal Industrial'noi Matematiki 7 (4), 71-91, 2004
One segregation problem for the sum of two quasiperiodic sequences
L Mikhailova
International Conference on Optimization and Applications, 145-158, 2023
Recognition of a quasi-periodic sequence containing an unknown number of nonlinearly extended reference subsequences
AV Kel’manov, LV Mikhailova, PS Ruzankin, SA Khamidullin
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 61 (7), 1153-1161, 2021
Problem of minimizing a sum of differences of weighted convolutions
AV Kel’manov, LV Mikhailova, PS Ruzankin, SA Khamidullin
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 60 (12), 1951-1963, 2020
Minimization problem for sum of weighted convolution differences: the case of a given number of elements in the sum
AV Kel’manov, LV Mikhailova, PS Ruzankin, SA Khamidullin
Numerical Analysis and Applications 13 (2), 103-116, 2020
Simultaneous detection and discrimination of subsequences which are nonlinearly extended elements of the given sequences alphabet in a quasiperiodic sequence
L Mikhailova, S Khamdullin
Optimization and Applications: 11th International Conference, OPTIMA 2020 …, 2020
Optimal detection of a recurring tuple of reference fragments in a quasiperiodic sequence
AV Kel’manov, LV Mikhailova, SA Khamidullin
Numerical Analysis and Applications 1, 255-268, 2008
Recognition of a numerical sequence that includes series of quasiperiodically repeating standard fragments
AV Kel'manov, LV Mikhailova
Sibirskii Zhurnal Industrial'noi Matematiki 10 (4), 61-75, 2007
Recognition of a numerical sequence containing series of quasi-periodically repeating reference fragments: The case of a known number of fragments
AV Kel’manov, LV Mikhailova
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 16 (3), 358-370, 2006
Recognition of a numerical sequence that includes series of quasiperiodic repeating standard fragments. The case of a known number of fragments
AV Kel'manov, LV Mikhailova
Sibirskii Zhurnal Industrial'noi Matematiki 8 (3), 69-86, 2005
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Articles 1–20