Siqian Shen
Siqian Shen
Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
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Distributionally robust chance-constrained optimal power flow with uncertain renewables and uncertain reserves provided by loads
Y Zhang, S Shen, JL Mathieu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (2), 1378-1388, 2016
Exact interdiction models and algorithms for disconnecting networks via node deletions
S Shen, JC Smith, R Goli
Discrete Optimization 9 (3), 172-188, 2012
Optimizing the profitability and quality of service in carshare systems under demand uncertainty
M Lu, Z Chen, S Shen
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20 (2), 162-180, 2018
Distributionally robust facility location problem under decision-dependent stochastic demand
B Basciftci, S Ahmed, S Shen
European Journal of Operational Research 292 (2), 548-561, 2021
Polynomial‐time algorithms for solving a class of critical node problems on trees and series‐parallel graphs
S Shen, JC Smith
Networks 60 (2), 103-119, 2012
Ambiguous chance-constrained binary programs under mean-covariance information
Y Zhang, R Jiang, S Shen
SIAM Journal on Optimization 28 (4), 2922-2944, 2018
Integer programming approaches for appointment scheduling with random no-shows and service durations
R Jiang, S Shen, Y Zhang
Operations Research 65 (6), 1638-1656, 2017
On the values of vehicle-to-grid electricity selling in electric vehicle sharing
Y Zhang, M Lu, S Shen
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 23 (2), 488-507, 2021
Multistage distributionally robust mixed-integer programming with decision-dependent moment-based ambiguity sets
X Yu, S Shen
Mathematical Programming 196 (1), 1025-1064, 2022
An integrated decomposition and approximate dynamic programming approach for on-demand ride pooling
X Yu, S Shen
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (9), 3811-3820, 2019
Risk-averse shortest path interdiction
Y Song, S Shen
INFORMS Journal on Computing 28 (3), 527-539, 2016
Solving 0–1 semidefinite programs for distributionally robust allocation of surgery blocks
Y Zhang, S Shen, SA Erdogan
Optimization Letters 12 (7), 1503-1521, 2018
Location Design and Relocation of a Mixed Car-Sharing Fleet with a CO2 Emission Constraint
J Chang, M Yu, S Shen, M Xu
Service Science 9 (3), 205-218, 2017
Decomposition algorithms for optimizing multi-server appointment scheduling with chance constraints
Y Deng, S Shen
Mathematical Programming 157, 245-276, 2016
Chance-constrained surgery planning under conditions of limited and ambiguous data
Y Deng, S Shen, B Denton
INFORMS Journal on Computing 31 (3), 559-575, 2019
Stochastic maximum flow interdiction problems under heterogeneous risk preferences
X Lei, S Shen, Y Song
Computers & Operations Research 90, 97-109, 2018
Optimizing designs and operations of a single network or multiple interdependent infrastructures under stochastic arc disruption
S Shen
Computers & Operations Research 40 (11), 2677-2688, 2013
Expectation and chance-constrained models and algorithms for insuring critical paths
S Shen, JC Smith, S Ahmed
Management Science 56 (10), 1794-1814, 2010
Distributionally robust appointment scheduling with moment-based ambiguity set
Y Zhang, S Shen, SA Erdogan
Operations Research Letters 45 (2), 139-144, 2017
Multi-objective probabilistically constrained programs with variable risk: Models for multi-portfolio financial optimization
MA Lejeune, S Shen
European Journal of Operational Research 252 (2), 522-539, 2016
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Articles 1–20