Meng Zhao(赵蒙)
Meng Zhao(赵蒙)
Guangzhou Bioland Lab
在 grmh-gdl.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Defect engineering in development of low thermal conductivity materials: a review
M Zhao, W Pan, C Wan, Z Qu, Z Li, J Yang
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37 (1), 1-13, 2017
Mechanical and thermal properties of fine-grained quasi-eutectoid (La1− xYbx) 2Zr2O7 ceramics
X Ren, C Wan, M Zhao, J Yang, W Pan
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (11), 3145-3154, 2015
Effect of lattice defects on thermal conductivity of Ti-doped, Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2
M Zhao, W Pan
Acta materialia 61 (14), 5496-5503, 2013
Diffused lattice vibration and ultralow thermal conductivity in the binary Ln–Nb–O oxide system
J Yang, X Qian, W Pan, R Yang, Z Li, Y Han, M Zhao, M Huang, C Wan
Advanced materials 31 (24), 1808222, 2019
Thermo-mechanical properties of ThO2-doped Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 for thermal barrier coatings
M Zhao, X Ren, J Yang, W Pan
Ceramics International 42 (1), 501-508, 2016
Mechanical and thermal properties of simultaneously substituted pyrochlore compounds (Ca2Nb2O7) x (Gd2Zr2O7) 1− x
M Zhao, X Ren, W Pan
Journal of the European ceramic society 35 (3), 1055-1061, 2015
Effective blocking of radiative thermal conductivity in La2Zr2O7/LaPO4 composites for high temperature thermal insulation applications
J Yang, C Wan, M Zhao, M Shahid, W Pan
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (15), 3809-3814, 2016
A promising material for thermal barrier coating: Pyrochlore-related compound Sm2FeTaO7
J Yang, YI Han, M Shahid, W Pan, M Zhao, W Wu, C Wan
Scripta Materialia 149, 49-52, 2018
SelfOrienting Hydrogel MicroBuckets as Novel Cell Carriers
Q Liu, M Zhao, S Mytnyk, B Klemm, K Zhang, Y Wang, D Yan, E Mendes, ...
Angewandte Chemie 131 (2), 557-561, 2019
Physical properties of La2B2O7 (BZr, Sn, Hf and Ge) pyrochlore: first-principles calculations
J Yang, M Shahid, M Zhao, J Feng, C Wan, W Pan
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 663, 834-841, 2016
Effect of lattice distortion and disordering on the mechanical properties of titaniadoped yttriastabilized zirconia
M Zhao, X Ren, W Pan
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97 (5), 1566-1571, 2014
Thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of YSZ/LaPO4 composites
X Ren, S Guo, M Zhao, W Pan
Journal of Materials Science 49, 2243-2251, 2014
Mechanical properties, oxygen barrier property, and chemical stability of RE3NbO7 for thermal barrier coating
J Yang, W Pan, Y Han, M Zhao, M Huang, C Wan
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 (4), 2302-2308, 2020
Phase transformation behavior in air plasma sprayed yttria stabilized zirconia coating
X Ren, M Zhao, J Feng, W Pan
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 750, 189-196, 2018
Restrained TGO growth in YSZ/NiCrAlY thermal barrier coatings by modified laser remelting
C Zhao, M Zhao, M Shahid, M Wang, W Pan
Surface and Coatings Technology 309, 1119-1125, 2017
Low Thermal Conductivity of RareEarth ZirconateStannate Solid Solutions (Yb2Zr2O7)1−x(Ln2Sn2O7)x (Ln = Nd, Sm)
M Zhao, X Ren, J Yang, W Pan
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99 (1), 293-299, 2016
Pronounced enhancement of thermal expansion coefficients of rare-earth zirconate by cerium doping
J Yang, M Zhao, L Zhang, Z Wang, W Pan
Scripta Materialia 153, 1-5, 2018
Modelling of surface segregation for palladium alloys in vacuum and gas environments
M Zhao, WG Sloof, AJ Böttger
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (4), 2212-2223, 2018
Low Thermal Conductivity of SnO2Doped Y2O3Stabilized ZrO2: Effect of the Lattice Tetragonal Distortion
M Zhao, X Ren, W Pan
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98 (1), 229-235, 2015
HighTemperature Aging of Plasma Sprayed QuasiEutectoid LaYbZr2O7Part I: Phase Evolution
X Ren, M Zhao, C Wan, Y Zheng, W Pan
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98 (9), 2829-2835, 2015
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