Elizabeth Jayne White
Elizabeth Jayne White
Professor ECE, RMIT University
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Teaching in the age of Covid-19
P Jandrić, D Hayes, I Truelove, P Levinson, P Mayo, T Ryberg, LD Monzó, ...
Postdigital Science and Education 2, 1069-1230, 2020
Quality early childhood education for under-two-year-olds: What should it look like? A literature review
C Dalli, EJ White, J Rockel, I Duhn, E Buchanan, S Davidson, B Wang
Report to the Ministry of Education. Ministry of Education: New Zealand, 2011
Introducing dialogic pedagogy: Provocations for the early years
E White
Routledge, 2015
Philosophy and pedagogy of early childhood
S Farquhar, EJ White
Educational philosophy and theory 46 (8), 821-832, 2014
Towards a philosophy of academic publishing
MA Peters, P Jandrić, R Irwin, K Locke, N Devine, R Heraud, A Gibbons, ...
Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (14), 1401-1425, 2016
Quality early childhood education for under-two-year-olds: What should it look like
C Dalli, EJ White, J Rockel, I Duhn, E Buchanan, S Davidson, S Ganly, ...
A literature review 28, 2011
Infant and teacher dialogue in education and care: A pedagogical imperative
EJ White, M Peter, B Redder
Early childhood research Quarterly 30, 160-173, 2015
Bakhtinian Dialogic and Vygotskian Dialectic: Compatabilities and contradictions in the classroom?
EJ White
Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (3), 220-236, 2014
Bakhtinian dialogism: A philosophical and methodological route to dialogue and difference?
EJ White
Proceedings of Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia Thirty-eighth …, 2009
Educational research with our youngest: Voices of infants and toddlers
E Johansson, EJ White
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Teaching in the age of Covid-19—1 year later
P Jandrić, D Hayes, P Levinson, LL Christensen, HO Lukoko, JE Kihwele, ...
Postdigital Science and Education 3 (3), 1073-1223, 2021
‘Are you ‘avin a laff?’: A pedagogical response to Bakhtinian carnivalesque in early childhood education
EJ White
Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (8), 898-913, 2014
Tensions and challenges concerning ethics on video research with young children—Experiences from an international collaboration among seven countries
N Rutanen, K de S. Amorim, H Marwick, EJ White
Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy 3 (1), 7, 2018
Assessment in New Zealand early childhood education: A Bakhtinian analysis of toddler metaphoricity
EJ White
Monash University, 2009
“Seeing” the toddler: Voices or voiceless?
EJ White
Educational research with our youngest: voices of infants and toddlers, 63-86, 2011
Bakhtinian pedagogy: Opportunities and challenges for research, policy and practice in education across the globe
EJ White, M Peters
(No Title), 2011
‘Seeing’ the toddler: Voices or voiceless?
EJ White
Educational research with our youngest, 63-86, 2011
Play and learning in Aotearoa New Zealand early childhood education
EJ White, F Ellis, AO Malley, J Rockel, S Stover, M Toso
Play and learning in early childhood settings: International perspectives, 19-49, 2009
The quality of childcare centres for infants in New Zealand
AB Smith, VE Ford, PM Hubbard, EJ White
New Zealand Association for Research in Education, 1996
Teaching in the age of Covid-19—The new normal
P Jandrić, AF Martinez, C Reitz, L Jackson, D Grauslund, D Hayes, ...
Postdigital Science and Education 4 (3), 877-1015, 2022
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