Min Zheng
Min Zheng
Changchun University of Technology
在 ccut.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Highly luminescent S, N co-doped graphene quantum dots with broad visible absorption bands for visible light photocatalysts
D Qu, M Zheng, P Du, Y Zhou, L Zhang, D Li, H Tan, Z Zhao, Z Xie, Z Sun
Nanoscale 5 (24), 12272-12277, 2013
Formation mechanism and optimization of highly luminescent N-doped graphene quantum dots
D Qu, M Zheng, L Zhang, H Zhao, Z Xie, X Jing, RE Haddad, H Fan, Z Sun
Scientific reports 4 (1), 5294, 2014
On–off–on fluorescent carbon dot nanosensor for recognition of chromium (VI) and ascorbic acid based on the inner filter effect
M Zheng, Z Xie, D Qu, D Li, P Du, X Jing, Z Sun
ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (24), 13242-13247, 2013
Oxygen Vacancy Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Pervoskite SrTiO3
H Tan, Z Zhao, W Zhu, EN Coker, B Li, M Zheng, W Yu, H Fan, Z Sun
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (21), 19184-19190, 2014
Integrating Oxaliplatin with Highly Luminescent Carbon Dots: An Unprecedented Theranostic Agent for Personalized Medicine
M Zheng, S Liu, J Li, et al.
Advanced Materials 26 (21), 3554-3560, 2014
Self-Targeting Fluorescent Carbon Dots for Diagnosis of Brain Cancer Cells.
ZS Min Zheng, Shaobo Ruan, Shi Liu, Tingting Sun, Dan Qu, Haifeng Zhao ...
ACS Nano, 2015
Nanoscale metal–organic frameworks for drug delivery: a conventional platform with new promise
L Wang, M Zheng, Z Xie
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 6 (5), 707-717, 2018
Fast Response and High Sensitivity Europium Metal Organic Framework Fluorescent Probe with Chelating Terpyridine Sites for Fe3+
M Zheng, H Tan, Z Xie, L Zhang, X Jing, Z Sun
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 5 (3), 1078-1083, 2013
Tailoring Color Emissions from N doped Graphene Quantum Dots for Bioimaging Applications.
ZSZX Dan Qu, Min Zheng, Jing Li
Light Sci. Appl., 2015
Three Colors Emission from S,N Co-doped Graphene Quantum Dots for Visible Light H 2 Production and Bioimaging
ZX Dan Qu , Zaicheng Sun ,* Min Zheng , Jing Li , Yongqiang Zhang , Guoqiang ...
Adv. Optical Mater. 3 (3), 360-367, 2015
One-pot to synthesize multifunctional carbon dots for near infrared fluorescence imaging and photothermal cancer therapy
M Zheng, Y Li, S Liu, W Wang, Z Xie, X Jing
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (36), 23533-23541, 2016
One-Step Synthesis of Nanoscale Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks with High Curcumin Loading for Treatment of Cervical Cancer.
XGZX Min Zheng, Shi Liu
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 (40), 22181–22187, 2015
Porphyrin-based carbon dots for photodynamic therapy of hepatoma
Y Li, X Zheng, X Zhang, S Liu, Q Pei, M Zheng, Z Xie
Adv. Healthc. Mater 6 (1), 1600924, 2017
Asymmetric catalysis with chiral porous metal–organic frameworks: critical issues
C Wang, M Zheng, W Lin
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2 (14), 1701-1709, 2011
Cavity-induced enantioselectivity reversal in a chiral metal–organic framework Brønsted acid catalyst
M Zheng, Y Liu, C Wang, S Liu, W Lin
Chemical Science 3 (8), 2623-2627, 2012
Diketopyrrolopyrrole-based carbon dots for photodynamic therapy
H He, X Zheng, S Liu, M Zheng, Z Xie, Y Wang, M Yu, X Shuai
Nanoscale 10 (23), 10991-10998, 2018
Renal clearable Hafnium-doped carbon dots for CT/Fluorescence imaging of orthotopic liver cancer
Y Su, S Liu, Y Guan, Z Xie, M Zheng, X Jing
Biomaterials 255, 120110, 2020
Lysosome targeting carbon dots-based fluorescent probe for monitoring pH changes in vitro and in vivo
P Gao, J Wang, M Zheng, Z Xie
Chemical Engineering Journal 381, 122665, 2020
Chiral carbon dots-based nanosensors for Sn (II) detection and lysine enantiomers recognition
P Gao, Z Xie, M Zheng
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 319, 128265, 2020
Mitochondria-Localized Fluorescent BODIPY-Platinum Conjugate
ZX Tingting Sun, Xingang Guan, Min Zheng,* Xiabin Jing
ACS Med. Chem. Lett 6, 430−433, 2015
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