Qiong Wu
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Cited by
A naturalistic study of parental emotion socialization: Unique contributions of fathers.
M Gerhardt, X Feng, Q Wu, EG Hooper, S Ku, MH Chan
Journal of Family Psychology 34 (2), 204–214, 2020
Mother's emotion coaching and preschooler's emotionality: Moderation by maternal parenting stress
Q Wu, X Feng, EG Hooper, M Gerhardt, S Ku, MHM Chan
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 65, 101066, 2019
Family socioeconomic status and maternal depressive symptoms: Mediation through household food insecurity across five years
Q Wu, RL Harwood, X Feng
Social Science & Medicine 215, 1-6, 2018
Infant emotion regulation and cortisol response during the first 2 years of life: Association with maternal parenting profiles
Q Wu, X Feng
Developmental Psychobiology 62 (8), 1076-1091, 2020
Determine power and sample size for the simple and mediation Actor–Partner Interdependence Model
T Ledermann, M Rudaz, Q Wu, M Cui
Family Relations 71 (4), 1452-1469, 2022
Maternal emotion socialization and child outcomes among African Americans and European Americans
EG Hooper, Q Wu, S Ku, M Gerhardt, X Feng
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27, 1870-1880, 2018
Cognitive therapy for suicide prevention: A randomized pilot with suicidal youth experiencing homelessness
N Slesnick, J Zhang, X Feng, Q Wu, L Walsh, DH Granello
Cognitive Therapy and Research 44, 402-411, 2020
Associations from parental mindfulness and emotion regulation to child emotion regulation through parenting: The moderating role of coparenting in Chinese families
JJ Yan, S Schoppe-Sullivan, Q Wu, ZR Han
Mindfulness 12, 1513-1523, 2021
Maternal depressive symptoms, rumination, and child emotion regulation
Q Wu, X Feng, M Gerhardt, L Wang
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 29 (8), 1125-1134, 2020
Understanding the role of emotion-oriented coping in women's motivation for change
Q Wu, N Slesnick, J Zhang
Journal of substance abuse treatment 86, 1-8, 2018
Effects of ecologically‐based family therapy with substance‐using, prostituting mothers
A Murnan, Q Wu, N Slesnick
Journal of Family Therapy 40 (4), 557-583, 2018
Maternal Emotion Socialization, Depressive Symptoms and Child Emotion Regulation: Child Emotionality as a Moderator
Q Wu, X Feng, E Hooper, S Ku
Infant and Child Development 26 (1), e1979, 2017
Social problem-solving and suicidal ideation among homeless youth receiving a cognitive therapy intervention: A moderated mediation analysis
J Zhang, Q Wu, N Slesnick
Behavior therapy 52 (3), 552-563, 2021
Mothers' depressive symptoms and responses to preschoolers' emotions: moderated by child expression
Q Wu, E Hooper, X Feng, M Gerhardt, S Ku
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 60, 134-143, 2019
Understanding parenting stress and children's behavior problems among homeless, substance‐abusing mothers
Q Wu, N Slesnick, A Murnan
Infant mental health journal 39 (4), 423-431, 2018
Family network satisfaction moderates treatment effects among homeless youth experiencing suicidal ideation
Q Wu, J Zhang, L Walsh, N Slesnick
Behaviour research and therapy 125, 103548, 2020
Housing and supportive services for substance use and self-efficacy among young mothers experiencing homelessness: A randomized controlled trial
N Slesnick, J Zhang, X Feng, A Mallory, J Martin, R Famelia, B Brakenhoff, ...
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 144, 108917, 2023
Intergenerational transmission of maternal overprotection and child anxiety in substance-using families
Q Wu, J Zhang, N Slesnick
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 73, 102236, 2020
How do fathers help? A moderation analysis of the association between adverse childhood experiences and child behavioral health in fragile families
X Wang, Q Wu, BJ Phelps
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 53 (4), 754-764, 2022
A Developmental Hierarchical‐Integrative Perspective on the Emergence of Self‐Regulation: A Replication and Extension
Q Wu, J Yan, M Cui
Child Development 92 (5), e997-e1016, 2021
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Articles 1–20