Mostafa (Arvin) Mesgari
Mostafa (Arvin) Mesgari
Associate Professor at Loyola Marymount University
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Cited by
“The sum of all human knowledge”: A systematic review of scholarly research on the content of Wikipedia
M Mesgari, C Okoli, M Mehdi, FÅ Nielsen, A Lanamäki
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (2 …, 2015
Wikipedia in the eyes of its beholders: A systematic review of scholarly research on Wikipedia readers and readership
C Okoli, M Mehdi, M Mesgari, FÅ Nielsen, A Lanamäki
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65 (12 …, 2014
The people’s encyclopedia under the gaze of the sages: A systematic review of scholarly research on Wikipedia
C Okoli, M Mehdi, M Mesgari, FÅ Nielsen, A Lanamäki
Available at SSRN 2021326, 2012
Universities strategic evaluation using balanced scorecard
MD Nayeri, MM Mashhadi, K Mohajeri
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 37 (1), 332-334, 2008
When Statistical Significance Is Not Enough: Investigating Relevance, Practical Significance, and Statistical Significance.
K Mohajeri, M Mesgari, AS Lee
MIS Quarterly 44 (2), 2020
Critical review of organisation-technology sensemaking: towards technology materiality, discovery, and action
M Mesgari, C Okoli
European Journal of Information Systems 28 (2), 205-232, 2019
Technology Affordances: The Case of Wikipedia
M Mesgari, S Faraj
A quality-oriented approach toward strategic positioning in higher education institutions
MM Mashhadi, K Mohajeri, MD Nayeri
International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences 2 (1), 31-35, 2008
Excavating the mother lode of human-generated text: A systematic review of research that uses the wikipedia corpus
M Mehdi, C Okoli, M Mesgari, FÅ Nielsen, A Lanamäki
Information Processing & Management 53 (2), 505-529, 2017
Affordance-based User Personas: A mixed-method Approach to Persona Development
M Mesgari, C Okoli, A Ortiz de Guinea
Creating Rich and Representative Personas by Discovering Affordances
M Mesgari, C Okoli, AO de Guinea
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019
Investigating customers’ decision to accept e-banking services
MM Mashhadi, M Tofighi, V Salamat
2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2007
Affordances and Information Systems Research
M Mesgari, K Mohajeri, B Azad
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 54 (2 …, 2023
Ecological Approach to User Sensemaking of Technology
M Mesgari, C Okoli
How online social networks create value for organizations: A resource-based perspective
M Mesgari, G Bassellier
Protocol for systematic mapping of Wikipedia studies
A Lanamäki, C Okoli, M Mehdi, M Mesgari
Proceedings of IRIS 2011–The 34th Information Systems Research Seminar in …, 2011
Development of a new model for the flowshop problem
MM Mashhadi, EF Stafford, FT Tseng
2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2007
A Selective Review of Affordance Lens for Organization-Technology Research
M Mesgari, B Azad
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 14762, 2013
Conflating relevance with practical significance and other issues: Commentary on Sen, Smith, and Van Note’s “statistical significance versus practical importance in information …
K Mohajeri, M Mesgari, AS Lee
Journal of Information Technology 37 (3), 305-311, 2022
Affordance-based Use Case Mining
M Mesgari
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Articles 1–20